N6MU1 at aol.com N6MU1 at aol.com
Mon Oct 11 01:18:00 EDT 1999


    Callsign Used : N6MU (@N6NB)
         Operator : N6MU

         Category : Single Operator, High Power

 Default Exchange : NR SJV

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW       23          23         46       3 
   80SSB       1           1          1       0 
   40CW       48          48         72       4 
   40SSB       6           6          6       0 
   20CW       68          68        102      19 
   20SSB      64          64         64      13 
   15CW       39          39         58.5     4 
   15SSB      70          70         70      10 
   10CW       15          15         22.5     1 
   10SSB      36          36         36       7 

 Totals      370         370        478      61 

    Final Score = 29158 + 2000 Bonus = 31158 points.

Had 50 less Qs this year due mainly, I think, to the virtual
absence of W3DYA and W3USA on the high bands Sunday. I don't
know what happened to Norm and Hal but Sunday was really
frustrating. I echo AA3B's comments only in reverse. W3HA was 
a beacon on 15 and 10 both days with signals well over S9. I 
called CQ till I was blue in the face with few answers and I 
know I was strong in PA. By the way, kudos to the W3HA gang 
for a super effort. I worked them 10 times although the last 
one on 75 was really tough. Also, thanks to the many stations
who willingly (some took begging and pleading) QSYed all over 
the place for me, especially when things got very slow on 
Sunday. I was hoping Doug, W3HDH, was going to be with me for 
the Party but his weekend schedule didn't allow it, darn it! 
It would have been fun. 73...

John, N6MU  

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