[3830] K4AAA CW Sprint by W4AN

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an@contesting.com
Sun, 5 Sep 1999 02:47:45 -0400 (EDT)

Got all screwed up at the start when my memories were all programmed
wrong.  10 minutes of jacking around with half working the contest and
half making them work.  Finally quit the contest and made them work.  :)
By this time the usual suspects were 10 ahead of me.  

20 was the usual frustration.  Lots of back scatter QSO's.  40 was a
bottomless pit.  I went there early and left late.  The 3 element yagi and
the new CapYagi really played.  Thanks Kurt.  

80M turned out OK, but that 4-square is not made for Sprinting.  Too many
times turning the knob.

     band      QSOs     points
      80         92         92  4-sq & bevs
      40        139        139  3el & 2el CapYagi
      20        126        126  5el & 5el
     TOTAL      357        357   X   51 multipliers  =  18,207

Thanks to all who got on the air and joined in the fun.  


Bill Fisher

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