[3830] NA Sprint With K2

Bob Patten n4bp@bc.seflin.org
Sun, 5 Sep 1999 07:00:03 -0400 (EDT)

Well, that was fun!  Spent four hours in the Sprint mixing it up with the 
big boys and the lil K2 held its own just fine!  On 20M, made most of my 
QSO's with CQ's.  On 40M, almost all were search and pounce, but most 
were with a single call.  40M was a big surprise as I thought the band 
sounded better on my K2 than on the FT-1000MP.  The little notebook 
switching P.S. also held up just fine and the sprint increased my states 
worked with the K2 to 45.  Best distance was WL7KY on 20M.  One DX 
station worked, LY2BTA.

Ron, you weren't on the "Boring Team" but on the "Really Boring Team" 
along with me!  N6TR from Boring, OR organized two teams.

                           NCJ NORTH AMERICAN SPRINT
     Call used: N4BP                                           Location: FL
     Category: Single Op QRP              Mode: CW                Power: 5W
     Callsign of Operator: N4BP  
     Exchanged Information: N4BP nr BOB FL  
     Hours of Operation: 03:59
     band      QSOs     points
      80          0          0
      40         51         51
      20        124        124
     TOTAL      175        175   X   46 multipliers  =  8,050
     Club or Team Name: Really Boring Team          
     Comments: New Elecraft K2 kit @ 5w
               TH7-DXX @ 65 feet, 40M dipole @ 35 feet
               NA v10.40

				   ,'' '',
     Bob Patten, N4BP              ( 0 0 )               Plantation, FL 

                         E-Mail: n4bp@bc.seflin.org
              Web Page: http://wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de/~n4bp
                     Brass Pounder BBS: (954) 472-7715       

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