[3830] W6EEN (N6RT op) CW Sprint

Doug Brandon dab@home.com
Sun, 05 Sep 1999 12:18:23 -0700


      Call used: W6EEN  (N6RT op)                               Location: CA

      Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 1500

      Callsign of Operator: N6RT


      Exchanged Information: W6EEN # DON CA

      Hours of Operation: 04:00

      band      QSOs     points
       80         67         67
       40        122        122
       20        136        136
      TOTAL      325        325   X   47 multipliers  =  15,275

      Club or Team Name: SCCC #1


      I started out pretty good and then seemed to hit a wall.  This
      was only my third sprint, but it sure seemed like I had to CQ
      a whole lot more than usual.  Even after answering somebody
      elses CQ, I often had no takers waiting.  CQing was not overly
      productive either.

      Hooked up a "fresh from the factory repair bench" Alpha 87a on
      the second radio, and it promptly refused to work on 80m.

      Missed (and never heard) ME, DE, MS, AZ, MT, UT, IA, NE, ND,
      VE1, and VE8.

         73 de Doug, N6RT

   Doug Brandon       http://members.home.com/dab         dab@home.com

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