[3830] K4NO Sprint CW Score

Greg and LeAnn Richard k4no@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 5 Sep 1999 14:54:01 -0500

262 x 47 =3D 12,314

20 meters    99 Q's
40 meters    84 Q's
80 meters    79  Q's

  It should be a new Alabama state record if I didn't bust too many =
exchanges.  The old record was set by N4KG back in=20
1988. I've been chasing the record for several years.  Now
to improve  and break 300 q's.  Got to omit the multi minute
gaps in the log to get there..

Had to move the amp over from one operating position and didn't do it =
until 3 hours before the Sprint. Found an intermittent=20
problem with the keying on the FT-102.  Got the problem fixed
with an hour to spare. =20

Lots of "rare"mults on this time although I missed
Heard ME but no QSO.  Interesting to note that there were
several guys on with 280+ QSO's that I never heard on any band.  Good =
activity from the SECC TEAM..

Glad to hear 3 other Alabama stations on as that's always a tough mult =
from here (in Alabama).  Of course, the strategy is to work one and have =
them immediately QRT so I'm the only
AL mult on..CU in SSB SPRINT..

SSB Sprint and 75 meters  always a blast....


Greg K4NO

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