[3830] LA6YEA SAC SSB 1999 SO/SB 10M

Øystein Eikedalen la6yea at c2i.net
Mon Sep 27 11:35:53 EDT 1999

     Call used: LA6YEA                                       Location:   

     Category: Single Op Single Band      Mode:                 Power: 900

     Callsign of Operator: LA6YEA

     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:


     Exchanged Information: LA6YEA RST nr

     Hours of Operation: 10:12

     band      QSOs      points    mults
      80          0           0       0
      40          0           0       0
      20          0           0       0
      15          0           0       0
      10        211         598      56
     TOTAL      211         598      56      SCORE: 33,488

     Club or Team Name:                            

     Comments: Fun working into JA again on 10m. If the contest would be 
some hours longer we
  would had great condx into stateside in day 2, but.....
  Europe was difficult, Asia easy. Eastern europe was totally missing 
due to
  condx, and just worked some few mults there. Pitty about the cqww rtty 
  the same weekend. Cu next year.

  Rig IC-765, Command HF2500, 5 ele mono yagi 15m high

     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations =
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to =
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of =
     contest committee.

     Date_________ Signature_____________________________ =

     Name: DYSTEIN EIKEDALEN               Call: LA6YEA
           STAVERN,     3294  

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