[3830] OH7M SAC99 SSB M/S

Poyhonen, Mikko FI36 Mikko.Poyhonen at HMX.Honeywell.com
Tue Sep 28 02:08:30 EDT 1999

                                SAC SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-Sep-99, 26-Sep-99

    Callsign Used : OH7M
    Operators : OH4XX,OH6LNI,OH7MHL

    Category : Multi Single

    Default Exchange : 59
    Team/Club : CCF

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   

   80SSB     108               108            228        33 
   40SSB     289               282            723        51 
   20SSB     706               693          1699        76 
   15SSB     944               929          2506        71 
   10SSB     144               141           393         47 

 Totals        2191            2153         5549       278 

Final Score = 1542622 points.

More details in : http://www.qsl.net/oh7m/sac99.html

 Equipments: FT-1000*2, FT1000MP
 Amps         :Ten-Tec Titan, Centurion, SB220
 Antennas   : 10m:  10 el  yagi, 6 el yagi
                    15m:  6/6 el yagi, 5 el yagi
                    20m:  5/5 el yagi, 3 el yagi
                    40m:  3/3 el yagi, 3/2 yagi
                    80m:  5 el vertical, dipole, GP
		         2 * TH6DXX, 318Jr

 Soapbox Comments

 Wow! what a contest ! Nice propagation to JA and NA directions. average qso
points 2.58!! So lots of DX station even RTTY contest was going on.

10 meters: 64 JA's there and many nice DX stations. No Eastern EU at all so
missed some "sure" mults. 

15 meters: Outstanding propagation! JA / NA's were coming loud and clear. 

20 meters: Good propagation to NA. VP6 on 20 meters was nice suprice.

40 meters: Good propagation to NA direction.QRM / QRN caused some hearing

80 meters: Missed some mults there and of course high bands good propagation
caused lack of stations.

 Anyhow nice condx and lots of fun. CU in CQWW 


Mikko OH4XX

More details in : http://www.qsl.net/oh7m/sac99.html

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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