Gary Yantis gyantis at midtec.com
Tue Feb 22 09:03:43 EST 2000

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 2000

      Call: W0TM    Country:  United States
                    State:  Colorado
      Mode: CW      Category: Single Operator, Single Band
                              10 meters, High Power
      On Time: 21 hours

      160        0        0   0.0        0
       80        0        0   0.0        0
       40        0        0   0.0        0
       20        0        0   0.0        0
       15        0        0   0.0        0
       10     1246     3738   3.0      109
     Totals   1246     3738   3.0      109  =   407,442

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: FT-1000MP, Alpha 91B, KT34-XA

Comments: Conditions were perfect.  Of the 21 hours on, 18 were
spent in European and Asian runs.  Too bad ten won't still be like
this in a few more years!

Club Affiliation: Grand Mesa Contestors

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

Signature: Gary Yantis (signed)

               MAILING ADDRESS:
               Gary Yantis  W0TM   gary at w0tm.com
               P.O. Box 97         www.w0tm.com
               Wolcott, CO 81655
               @9,000 feet 20 miles west of Vail

                              Continent Statistics
                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW    0    0    0    0    0   34   34     2.7
South America   CW    0    0    0    0    0   34   34     2.7
Europe          CW    0    0    0    0    0  653  653    52.4
Asia            CW    0    0    0    0    0  491  491    39.4
Africa          CW    0    0    0    0    0   10   10     0.8
Oceania         CW    0    0    0    0    0   24   24     1.9

              Countries Worked - With Call Of First Station Worked
 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10
  3D2                                                               3D2RK
   3W                                                               3W7CW
   4X                                                               4X1VF
   5B                                                               C4A
   6W                                                               6V6U
   8P                                                               8P9JA
   9A                                                               9AY2K
   9G                                                               9G5ZW
  9M2                                                               9M2JI
   9V                                                               9V1XE
   9Y                                                               9Y4VU
   BV                                                               BV3FG
   BY                                                               BD7NQ
   C3                                                               C31LJ
   C6                                                               AC8W/C6A
   CT                                                               CT1GFK
   CU                                                               CU0X
   CX                                                               CX9AU
   DL                                                               DK3KD
   DU                                                               DU1ODX
   EA                                                               EA4ET
  EA6                                                               EA6NB
   EI                                                               EI8GP
   ER                                                               ER4DX
   ES                                                               ES2DJ
   EU                                                               EW1LM
    F                                                               F5ROX
   FR                                                               FR5FD
    G                                                               G4BUO
   GD                                                               MD/DL3OI
   GI                                                               GI4KSH
   GM                                                               GM7R
   GU                                                               GU3MBS
   GW                                                               GW3SYL
   HA                                                               HG1W
   HB                                                               HB2FAP
   HC                                                               HC2SL
  HC8                                                               HC8L
   HL                                                               HL1XP
   HP                                                               HO3A
    I                                                               I3JTE
   IS                                                               IS0LYN
   J3                                                               J37ZA
   JA                                                               JA4BAA
   JT                                                               JT1CS
   JW                                                               JW5E
  KH0                                                               WH0ABA
  KH2                                                               KH2D
  KH6                                                               NH7A
   KL                                                               AL7IF
  KP2                                                               KP2F
  KP4                                                               WP3R
   LA                                                               LA8W
   LU                                                               LU3FP
   LX                                                               LX1JH
   LY                                                               LY2TA
   LZ                                                               LZ2K
   OA                                                               OA4SS
   OE                                                               OE3JOS
   OH                                                               OG1MM
  OH0                                                               OH0B
   OK                                                               OL3A
   OM                                                               OM3RM
   ON                                                               ON4UN
   OZ                                                               OZ1AA
   P4                                                               P49V
   PA                                                               PI4CC
   PY                                                               PQ2Q
   S5                                                               S58A
   SM                                                               SM7BJW
   SP                                                               SP7GIQ
   SU                                                               SU9ZZ
   SV                                                               SV2BOH
   T9                                                               T99W
   TA                                                               TA2BK
   TF                                                               TF3DX
   TI                                                               TI5N
   TZ                                                               TZ6DX
   UA                                                               UF3CWR
  UA2                                                               RW2F
  UA9                                                               RA0FN
   UR                                                               UT3FM
   V2                                                               V26G
   V3                                                               V31JP
   V4                                                               V47X
   V7                                                               V7G
   VK                                                               VK4TT
  VP5                                                               VP5EA
  VP6                                                               VP6BR
VP8/h                                                               LZ0A
  VP9                                                               VP9ID
  VQ9                                                               VQ9QM
   VR                                                               VR2BG
   XE                                                               XA5T
   XW                                                               XW2A
   YB                                                               YB3OSE
   YL                                                               YL2GP
   YO                                                               YO6BHN
   YU                                                               YZ1U
   YV                                                               YV4AA
   Z3                                                               Z32XX
  ZD8                                                               ZD8Z
   ZF                                                               ZF1A
   ZL                                                               ZL6QH
   ZP                                                               ZP5KO
   ZS                                                               ZS6EZ

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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