[3830] ANARTS 2000 DJ7AA M/S HP

Wil DJ7AA dj7aa-wil at t-online.de
Mon Jun 12 16:03:32 EDT 2000

Sponsored by Australian National Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society.

Multi-Op. Single Transmitter (All band only)

     		QSOs Points DX: Call Areas

80m:  		85 	389 	31 	3
40m: 		128 	990 	39 	9
20m: 		447 	5941 	58 	26
15m: 		270 	2824 	54 	21
10m: 		108 	940 	46 	2

Total: 		1038  	11084 	228 	61

Continents:  6
Total multipliers: 289
VK bonus points: 2200 
Score:  19221856

Operators: DJ7AA,DK1BT,DL5LYM
	   80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    NA       5     21    192     46      0     264    25.4
    EU      75     94    190    162     85     606    58.4
    AS       4      7     37     46      5      99     9.5
    SA       1      5     13      8     14      41     3.9
    OC       0      1     14      6      3      24     2.3
    AF       0      0      1      2      1       4     0.4


vy bad propagation, specialy on 15/10m. The normal low 80/40 activity.
May be we wasting to much time there, to get some district multiplier.
Only 5 US Stations on 80m, 40m also not much better, NO JA, one VK
on 40m. 
40m RTTY jamming on 7080.0 on sunday morning
QRT for one hour because of local thunderstorm on sunday afternoon.

Mostly using this contest for training with writelog. 
We collected more experience for our trip for the CQ-WW-RTTY in
Thank you to those friends, who helped us with QSY to different
This is real contesting.
Trying to beat the last years score from UT7Z, but under such condx we
be happy, to have this score finaly.

Until September from HP1 


Webpage:  http://www.qsl.net/dj7aa/
Email:    dj7aa-wil at t-online.de
Post:     Wilfried Gottschald
          Dorfstrasse 30
	  29416 Rademin

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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