[3830] WO1N SOA LP + Story (Long)

KEN CARUSO Ken_Caruso@compuserve.com
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 00:44:39 -0500

      Call: WO1N                      Country: United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: SOA, Low Power
      State: MA                       Section: EMA

      160        6       18   3.0        6
       80       28       84   3.0       24
       40       49      147   3.0       41
       20      153      453   3.0       72
       15      145      435   3.0       76
       10      215      645   3.0       77
     Totals    596     1782   3.0      296  =   527,472

Q#435 T32B set to zero points (busted him).

All reports sent were 59MA, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: FT1000D, TA33@38', Alpha Delta DX-LB, 
                        Inv L + Shielded loop for 160M

 I could hear the disappointment in the YCCC Prez, K2KQ's voice when I told

him this was a planned 500Q effort at the Monday night OTA session before
contest. SSB contests can be so damned frustrating from the home QTH.
However, the
great conditions pushed up the Q total a bit. Water in a barrel connector
up the tower had other plans. I spent the better part of 3 hrs up and down
the tower replacing the balun section Saturday. That could have been
150Q's easy. 

 Now the frustration diatribe. Skip this is you don't like whining.
I got run off of a decent frequency on 15M by one of the two V31 crews. I
presence of mind to work him and tell him he was welcome to the frequency
(that was a lie, but I didn't see that I had much choice). Later I find a
great spot at 14.197. Two QRL's, silence. Great! I start up and get about
10 stations into the log, suddenly a very strong, obviously stateside
voice comes on and says "thanks for trying to steal the frequency". Huh?  I
asked him who he was and if he could have convinced me it was his frequency
I might have given it to him. He didn't respond. OK, then its the national
20M tuneup frequency for a good 3 or 4 minutes. That didn't bother me so
This frequency is cranking now, I've got the last 10 at 180 and last
100 climbing to about 60 when a Louisina station opens up 300 Hz away. I
he was perfect copy in my passband. You have resources with CW. A 250 Hz 
filter would have done the trick, but it seems your options are limited on 
SSB. I point the antenna at him and try to get him to acknowledge me. No
Lesson here, don't ever acknowledge you are trying to steal a frequency.
he started running stations I was sunk as no one needed MA any more. I
you could say he "won" the frequency. OK, end of whining.

 Of course, through all of this I was causing OD5NJ fits as I was only
1.2KHz below him when I started. He came down at one point and asked me to
move which I was able to slide down a bit. I heard him a couple hours later

ranting and raving at a European who was trying to steal his freq. I guess 
sideband has the same effect on lots of us.

 Managed to bust a doozy Sunday morning. Weak/rare DX that no one was
made sure I had his call right, work him, spotted him and sat back to
to all hell break lose. Cool. Ooops, what's that? KC1XX figures out its
Bummer. Used the new "T26Busted" protocol to make my ammends and zero'ed
the Q. From a regional club competition perspective I think this is a great

tool. The rhetorical question: Why are Pacific stations seeing New England 
YCCC spots?

 My hats off to the Single Ops out there with 1000+, 2000+, 3000+ Q's, I
know how you aren't raving axe murderers by the end of the contest. Kudo's
the Packet Cluster crew. I didn't get dropped at all during the entire
OK, I'll admit it, I had fun too, but sign me:

Give me CW,


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