[3830] KH7R (KH6ND op) 2000 ARRL DX CW & SSB SO AB HP

kh6nd@lava.net kh6nd@lava.net
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 20:34:36 -1000

CW                                 PH

Band      QSOs     Mults            Band     QSOs     Mults
-------------------------          ------------------------
160:      182       41              160:     171       47
 80:      344       51               80:     361       53
 40:      641       56               40:     553       56
 20:      752       54               20:     1172      56
 15:      825       58               15:     1242      60
 10:     1558       58               10:     3254      60
-------------------------           ------------------------
TOTAL:   4302      318              TOTAL:   6753     332

SCORE: 4,104,108                    SCORE: 6,725,988

The low bands were a real slow struggle this year.

High band rates were hampered both weekends by our European friends
calling relentlessly..... I wonder..... which part of "CQ USA" do they
not understand?

Many thanks to Ken, KH7R, for his continued hospitality and support.



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