[3830] KL9A Russian DX Contest 2000 SOAB HP CW Only

Chris Hurlbut wl7ky at gci.net
Sun Mar 19 13:16:22 EST 2000

Station     : KL9A
DXCC country: KL
Entry       : SOMB-CW
E-mail      : KL9A at QSL.NET
Address     : 2003 Roosevelt Dr.
              Anchorage, AK 99517

             SCORE TABLE
Band         QSOs:   Points  DXCC  Obls
           CW    SB

1.8         0     0      0      0     0
3.5         0     0      0      0     0
7           2     0      6      1     0
14        445     0   3240     44    61
21        382     0   2733     43    62
28        276     0   1642     40    33

TOTAL    1105     0   7621    128   156

TOTAL  QSOs:   1105
       Points: 7621
       Mults:   284

FINAL SCORE:   7621 * (128 + 156) =3D 2164364

  This is to certify that I have observed
all the Rules and regulations of the Contest.

Operator(s):KL9A   =20

TH7, TS-430, Heathkit Warrior Amp

Contest comments:
Pretty fun contest, even though 40 never opened to EU.  Looks like low =
band stuff is over with in AK!
Lots of activity, but a LOT of number 1's were being sent :)
Hope the log checkers don't think I was cheating!
Had a few problems though.  This is the backup rig, and seemed like I =
need a backup to the backup. =20
It would just stop transmitting for no reason.  I thought it was =
overheating so I threw another fan on it. =20
It ran cool for the rest of the time, but still had the same problem.  =
Something intermittent... I hate those!
Had to quit a few times to wait for it to work, so that lost a lot of =
q's.  Plus I quit about 2 hours early
because I kept falling asleep at the computer.... and had to send the =
exchange with the computer. =20
I just couldn't send with the paddle anymore.  Did manage to work VK0MM =
on 20ssb before I=20
went to bed though, so that was nice.  (I guess I'm only allowed 1 more =
qso with him now... geeeeeez)

Condx were excellent, with 15 open to EU the whole time.  Had a lot of =
cool stuff call in, and FINALLY got a=20
ZS on 15!   Even with my old call I could never find one. =20

This free software is great! =20

Anyway, not too bad for a really low tribander... and those 2 q's on =
40... had a sked with KK7GW for the=20
W mult, and worked N6MJ too  :)

Great contest, see everyone in WPX!=20
-Chris KL9A  (ex WL7KY)=20
kl9a at qsl.net

p.s.  Who else in NA was cw only?  and why isn't there a CW only Plaque =
for NA?  :)

Date: MAR.19.2000

* UA1AAF software

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