Philippe Nouchi Philippe.Nouchi at cern.ch
Tue Oct 3 11:37:55 EDT 2000

CQ World-Wide RTTY DX Contest

CALL: F6IFY                     Country FRANCE
Single Op., Single Band: 15 m
       QSOs Points Zones DX: States Multipliers Score
80m:    0    
40m:    0    
20m:    0    
15m:  220    564     22   65   40
10m:    0    
Total: 220   564     22   65   40    127       71628

Station Description: Tentec OMNI 6 Bare foot (100W) 
Antenna(s):  2 elements triband beam @ 10 m
Software: Writelog 10.19 (Perfect as usual)

Soapbox: My first contest at my new house, only this little antenna for
the moment, 
and a little time effort.
I hope to complete the station soon to enter all bands.
A great contest, really enjoying due to the good propagation.
I was very surprised by K3KO sent me "BIG SIG", I am sure he done all
the job or
the jura mountain (I am just behind) opened the time of the QSO. ;-)

Thanks and 73 to all.
Philippe F6IFY

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