N6MU1 at aol.com N6MU1 at aol.com
Tue Oct 3 19:48:53 EDT 2000

                                       2000 Texas QSO Party

Call: N6MU/m

Category: Texas Mobile Single Op, CW Only

Counties Activated: 41
Total QSOs: 970
Total Multipliers: 68

Total Points: 197,880 (970x3x68)
Bonus Points: 40,000 (8 Groups of Five Counties x 5000/Group)

FINAL SCORE: 237,880 Points

Thanks to Norm, W3DYA, for being my host/chauffeur for the weekend. Now I 
know how he does what he does so well. I had a blast experiencing what it's 
like from the other side for a change. Hope to see everyone in the CQP this 
weekend. 73...

John, N6MU

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