[3830] KQ2M 2001 IARU SOABHP Mixed Mode Unassisted Writeup/Breakdown (Long)

Robert Shohet kq2m@mags.net
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 16:50:14 -0700

      Call:      KQ2M
      Category:  Single Operator
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band      Unassisted
      Mode:      Mixed Mode 
      Country:   United States - Connecticut - Zone 8

      160       14       38     2.71      4      2
       80       69      181     2.62     13     19
       40      400     1524     3.81     28     27
       20     1168     5190     4.44     44     30
       15     1295     5507     4.25     34     30
       10       55      169     3.07     12     11
     Totals   3001    12609     4.20    135    119

**Score: 3,202,686 points  NEW US RECORD**

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
FT1000MP & Titan (2)

10 5/5/5/5 Hygain 105CA @ 22/45/68/100' Top Rotatable others Fixed NE
15 5/5/5/5 Hygain 155CA @ 30/60/90/109' Top Rotatable others Fixed NE
20 4/4/4   20-4CD       @ 42/85/130'    Top Rotatable others Fixed NE
40 Wire 4 Sq,  40-2cd @ 120' Fixed NE
80 Wire Inv L 4-square KQ2M design, Inv V @ 50'
160 Phased Inv L's

260' South
260' NE (Phased Pair)


Events leading up to this contest were not happy ones.  Nearby lightning 
strikes required Friday surgery on radios/computers to fix them and a killer
work schedule precluded any antenna upgrades.  I got psyched though when
the original propagation forecasts called for high Solar Flux and low
geomagnetic activity.  I took advantage of a lull during my workday on
Friday and updated my operating aids and organized my strategy including
making an informal hour-by-hour plan.   

I had hoped to break my 1999 record and thought that this might be the 
last year to do it since I will be at WRTC2002 in Finland next year.
The very poor cndx at the start were not a good sign, but I made up the  
extra q's with very agressive S & P on the second radio right from the
start.  A few extra antennas (added since 1999) and the ability to
rotate some of them also helped as did my operating plan and better
multiplier tracking.  Gradually I made up the deficit from 1999 and 
eventually crept ahead even though it was almost impossible to work
any Asiatic Russian and Southeast stations all morning and afternoon on 15.

In early June, I had decided that after being a ham for 28 years, it was
time to start upgrading my cw skills again and the efforts paid off 
S & P productively on the 2nd radio.  This was a first for me and gave 
me the ability to do "REAL" SO2R for the first time ever.  I also noticed
that after 10 hours of agressive 2nd radio S & P, I was not even getting 
tired.  This was very exciting!  

Around 0000z, 15 being to open again as the geomagnetic activity and the
aurora began to calm down, and I ran 15 and then 20 and then 40, while
constantly switching off bands and modes on the 2nd radio.  The operating
plan was helping as I was much more effective in finding short regional 
openings and with my improved knowledge of the zones, I found lots more 
mults. and moved them from band to band.

I finally left 40 and went to 20 SSB at 04Z and caught a fabulous EU sunrise
opening and made 522 q's in the next three hours as I ran and made many
2nd radio q's.  I was particularly pleased that at some points my SSB rates
were 200+/hr and I was STILL able to S & P on the 2nd radio without 
getting tired!  This was a new and very exciting operating breakthrough
for me and I was incredulous that I was in the process of blowing away my
1999 record even with much poorer cndx and a much lower mult total on 15.

I stayed on 20 cw all night while constantly working guys on the 2nd radio
on 40, 80 & 160 and then switching modes and doing it again.  I was glad
that I had stayed on 15 all day (even with marginal cndx) as I could now 
stay on 20 the rest of the contest.  Having a 40-2CD @ 120' helped to EU,
but the fact that it was still not rotatable was a liability when trying to
work a JA (I did not get one) and other Asian mults on 40.

I kept waiting for 15 to open on Sunday morning, and after being "teased" 
a few times, finally gave up trying to run there and resorted to calling
a few EU stations with the 2nd radio.  I kept running on 20 and worked many
"ESP" Europeans with barely audible signal strengths.

When the contest ended I was still not tired, even more amazing since I 
never left the chair once and never stopped working guys on the 2nd radio.
Afterwards I realized I worked about 415 stations on the 2nd radio -
I was very pleased with this result for a 24 hour contest, especially since
I still switch all the antennas and amps manually!  Breaking 3,000 q's
(before UBN's) and having a 125/hr rate, was just the icing on the cake.

Even with less JA activity and considerably poorer cndx, I was able to break
my record.  Most enjoyable though was the fact that I had significantly
improved my skills and understanding of how to operate this contest.
That and saying HI again to all my friends, is what really makes contesting

Many thanks to everyone for all the qso's and qsy's and have a great Summer!
73  Bob KQ2M


This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________

               ROBERT L. SHOHET  KQ2M
               51 SCUDDER ROAD       
               NEWTOWN, CT 06470
BREAKDOWN QSO/mults  KQ2M  IARU HF Championship  Single Operator

HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

  12    .....    .....    .....     9/7    131/14     5/5    145/26  145/26 
  13      .        .        .        .     133/5     22/11   155/16  300/42 
  14      .        .        .       8/8    150/3      1/0    159/11  459/53 
  15      .        .        .      10/8     94/2       .     104/10  563/63 
  16      .        .        .      12/7     90/6      1/0    103/13  666/76 
  17      .        .        .        .      91/7     13/5    104/12  770/88 
  18      .        .        .       4/2     96/13      .     100/15  870/103
  19      .        .        .      19/6     96/1      1/1    116/8   986/111
  20    .....    .....    .....    .....    89/1     12/1    101/2  1087/113
  21      .        .        .      17/1    133/3       .     150/4  1237/117
  22      .        .        .      56/5     70/3       .     126/8  1363/125
  23      .        .      14/13    58/4     66/4       .     138/21 1501/146
   0      .        .      11/8     79/5     20/1       .     110/14 1611/160
   1      .      16/16   116/12      .        .        .     132/28 1743/188
   2     4/3     22/10    99/3       .        .        .     125/16 1868/204
   3     5/2     16/1     73/1     10/0       .        .     104/4  1972/208
   4    .....     1/1     10/0    162/5     .....    .....   173/6  2145/214
   5      .       1/1     12/5    167/2       .        .     180/8  2325/222
   6     2/0      8/2      3/3    156/4       .        .     169/9  2494/231
   7     3/1      5/1     18/4     86/3       .        .     112/9  2606/240
   8      .        .      23/3     61/0       .        .      84/3  2690/243
   9      .        .       4/1     97/0      5/0       .     106/1  2796/244
  10      .        .      17/2     77/3      4/0       .      98/5  2894/249
  11      .        .        .      80/4     27/1       .     107/5  3001/254
  12    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    ..... 3001/254
  13      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  14      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  15      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  16      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  17      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  18      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  19      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  20    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    ..... 3001/254
  21      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  22      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
  23      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   3001/254
DAY1    14/6     69/32   400/55  1168/74  1295/64    55/23      .   3001/254
DAY2      .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .  
TOT     14/6     69/32   400/55  1168/74  1295/64    55/23      .   3001/254

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
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