[3830] DARC WAE J38PA Multi-Single HP

LLDXT lowlanddx@zonnet.nl
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 00:35:19 +0200

                DARC WORKED ALL EUROPE CONTEST -- 2001

      Call:      J38PA QSL via PA5ET
      Category:  Multi Single
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      CW=20
      Country:   Grenada

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

      160       0     0      0      0
       80      67    54     20     80
       40     201   201     30     90
       20     538   528     38     76
       15     793   792     42     84
       10     430   427     41     82

    Totals   2029  2002    171    412 =3D 1,658,300

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: Operators: Ronald J3/PA3EWP, Rob J3/PA5ET

Equipment Description:
Yaesu FT1000 Mp
Alpha 81B 1,5Kw
Single Window Quad 10-15-20 meter
Wire Vertical 40 meter
Titanex V160e 80 meter

Club Affiliation: Low Land Crazy Contesters LLCC

Most of the day we had 59 local QRM so we had to do anything
to hear the Europeans, everything sounded as aurora. We
improved our score against last year and exchanged 99% of
the QTC's. We had great fun and enjoyed every minute. It's
hard to compete against 5B4 and JY but thats live, we probably
had more sun and pina collada.

Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
Kent, WA

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com