k5kg@arrl.net k5kg@arrl.net
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 21:05:37 -0400 (EDT)

                     WAE DX Contest, CW
Call: K5KG
Operator(s): K5KG
Station: K5KG

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36

 Band     QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:     44     20     19
   40:    239    225     39
   20:    455    506     42
   15:    512    500     43
   10:    145    140     32
Total:   1395   1391    175  =  1,188,341



A fun contest, and the condx were better than I expected.  Some thrilling 
moments when my 40 meter yagi went dead, swr went sky high and the tuner in the 
amp let out a holler!  I was imagining that the Osprey who perches on the 
antenna had finally managed to break a loading wire.  A quick inspectiion with 
the flashligh showed that the loading wires were in tact, and the Osprey was no 
where to be found. Second thought was that a friendly neighbor cut the coax! 
Finally traced the problem to a failed ICE lightning suppressor in the shack, 

Second thrill was going to 20 meters on Saturday afternoon only to find the 
band completely cluttered with hash from something.  Turned out to be Radio 
Marti on 13,820 khz.  Their splatter was at least 500 khz wide!  Fortunately 
they went QRT an hour later and by Sunday afternoon their signal was clean, so 
they must have had a "technical problem".

This was my first serious go at this contest, and I found it most interesting, 
especially the QTC's, which Write Log handles really well.  I found it a 
challenge to plan how to dump those final QTC's in the last few minutes of the 
contest.  The max 3 off-time rule is also a challenge.  I had to pretty much 
stay in the seat all day Saturday in order to save the third off-time for 

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