k9gy@contesting.com k9gy@contesting.com
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 21:08:00 -0400 (EDT)

                     WAE DX Contest, CW
Call: K4JA
Operator(s): K9GY
Station: K4JA

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:      1             1
   40:    277    161     38
   20:    608    722     43
   15:    668    674     43
   10:     10             7
Total:   1564   1557    132  =  948,480



This has got to be the most (four) thunderstorms in one contest! 
#1) three hour delay at O'Hare airport on Thu night  
#2) first day evening killed 80m expectations... 
#3) late first day knocks out rotar indicators 
Scot K9JY saw it hit the 40m stack halfway down. 
Might be some repair needed on top 40m antenna...?
#4) near the end of the contest around the last 2-3 hours 
another thunderstorm rolls on in...!!! 

Other points: 
* 0400 (local) arrival in Callao, VA on Fri 
* first break was 2 hours, should have probably been 3.5 hrs
* had an excellent first day... 
* the thunderstorms and ill-timed off periods didn't help  
* first time SO2R...it helps especially with band transitions
* Writelog and ACOMs recovered very nicely from a power outage 
while sending...wow, impressive. 
* Bad "choice" of off times :-( 
* Record # of QSOs S/O USA by KE2PF in 1996 1,706
So I have to be happy with the 1,564 Q's...
* Record # of Mults S/O USA by KE2PF in 1996 443
I needed some improvement in the mult dept (304)...
* Came close to goal of 1 million, but not close enough! 

I had fun...See you next year! 

Best of health to all...K9GY/4  

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