Thomas Thomas
Mon Jan 8 16:37:10 EST 2001

2001 ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call used: OZ1AA
Operator: OZ1AA
Station: OZ7HVI

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band, Low Power

Band   QSO   St  Prov  DX
80     158    2    1   26
40      18    0    0    7
20     127    7    1    9
15     163   25    2    7
10      79    6    2    9
Total  545   40    6   58

Score: 56.680 points

Operating time: 24 hours

Equipment Description:
Rig: FT-1000MP, 100 W
Antennas: Cushcraft X7 @ 24 m + slooper for 3,5 Mhz
Software: Writelog using soundcard

Don't know if I should be satisfied or not with this result, as I have not
operated the contest before. The score would probably have made it to the
top ten box last year, but I had hoped for many more QSO's. In the night
I had big problems keeping up rate because I couldn't use 40 (used 80
meter slooper to pick up the strongest signals) and with 20 pretty much
closed there was just 80. Rate on 80 quickly went down, and for 7 hours I
only made around 10 Q/h :-(
Off time was decided before the contest to be in the end of the contest
because I needed to be well rested for a test in the school today. I don't
normally work RTTY, but I was pleased with the amount of DX stations such as
satisfied with the number of states worked, but don't understand how I could
miss GA. I saw W2UP calling CQ in PSK31, but was not able to get trough. I
don't know anything about PSK31, so after the contest I figured out that I
should have told Writelog to send BPSK in stead of QPSK LSB which I had
used. Sorry about that Barry.

Thanks for the QSO's! RTTY is a fun mode, and I might be back for another
contest soon.

73 de OZ1AA, Thomas

Thomas Andersen - OZ1AA (ex. OZ5DK)
Homepage: www.qsl.net/oz1aa
E-mail: oz1aa at qsl.net
ICQ: 11117622
Member # 1 of "World Wide Young Contesters"
Visit http://home.swipnet.se/contest/wwyc/ for more info.


dit dit

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