[3830] RTTY Roundup K1RO SOAB HP

k1ro at arrl.org k1ro at arrl.org
Mon Jan 8 17:20:38 EST 2001

                     ARRL RTTY Roundup
Call: K1RO
Operator(s): K1RO
Station: K1RO

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs 
   80:    140
   40:    247
   20:    399
   15:    378     <-----Multipliers ----->
   10:    254   States  Provinces  DX   Total
Total:   1418     45       10      69    124   =  175,832

Club: YCCC


After talking with K5ZD at the last YCCC meeting about the difference power 
makes in RTTY operating, I was able to borrow a couple of amps for this 
contest. It's the first time I've run high power from my current location. 

What was a SO2R station in CW contests quickly became SO1.5R because of 
interstation interference (this isn't much of a problem barefoot). The main 
antenna for the second radio is an R7000 vertical, which I would have moved for 
the weekend if there wasn't a foot of snow on the ground. With no filters and 
all of the antennas within 30 feet of each other, the second radio wasn't as 
useful as it has been with low power but it sure was easier to keep a run 
frequency with the amp on. Also had an RFI problem on some bands/antennas that 
would occasionally kill the USB-serial hub I'm using to talk to the radios 
(reboot time). My 40-meter feedline is RG-58; it survived 1000 W. Now I 
remember why I decided to stick to low power in a suburban neighborhood with a 
small lot and low antennas... 

The low bands and activity were great. I ended up staying up too late Saturday 
and had to take my last 45 minutes of off-time Sunday afternoon when I should 
have been on 20. What a great weekend!

Missed GA, ND, DE

73, Mark K1RO

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