[3830] RTTY Roundup DJ7AA SOAB HP

ww dj7aa-wil at t-online.de
Tue Jan 9 13:04:08 EST 2001

                     ARRL RTTY Roundup
Call: DJ7AA
Operator(s): DJ7AA
Station: DJ7AA

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Rademin
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band     QSOs 
   80:    185
   40:    194
   20:    318
   15:    225     <-----Multipliers ----->
   10:    113   States  Provinces  DX   Total
Total:   1035     47        9      71    127   =  131.445



My first RTTY Roundup. Last year I gave up after massive software
Excellent condx on low bands, but not much activity. Worked more US than
first time in a contest.
Missed a lot of multipliers ( i think more than 80 DXCC where activ)
Worked 47 States (Montana was missing, ND by K0UD)
Lost 20minutes of traffictime on my best 15m opening time by big trouble
with "SERVER ERROR" from Writelog.

Thanks all called/wkd me. This contest giving fun.
See you back in WPX RTTY.

Wil DJ7AA  

Continent statistic:

          80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    NA      55     93    191    183     76     598    57.8
    EU     125     82     81     32     25     345    33.3
    SA       0      2      3      1      5      11     1.1
    AS       5     14     36      8      6      69     6.7
    AF       0      2      0      0      1       3     0.3
    OC       0      1      7      1      0       9     0.9

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