[3830] IARU OH1F M/S

oh1noa at qsl.net oh1noa at qsl.net
Sun Jul 15 16:27:57 EDT 2001

                     IARU HF Championship
Call: OH1F
Operator(s): OH1MDR & OH1NOA
Station: OH1F

Class: M/S  Power: HP
QTH: Pori
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
Total:       0     2632      297  =  2,847,042

Club: Contest Club Finland



      160       86      204     2.37      8     17
       80      210      588     2.80     14     26
       40      280      880     3.14     24     26
       20      919     3835     4.17     41     31
       15      881     3357     3.81     41     34
       10      256      722     2.82     13     22

     Totals   2632     9586     3.64    141    156

                 Score: 2,847,042 points

             Continent Statistics
       OH1F   IARU HF Championship    Multi Single     15 Jul 2001  1157z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW    0    1   44  167   85    0  297    11.3
South America   CW    0    1    7    5    2    0   15     0.6
Europe          CW   68  122  194  196  224  105  909    34.5
Asia            CW    3   11   18   43  111    1  187     7.1
Africa          CW    0    0    3    3    2    2   10     0.4
Oceania         CW    1    1    1    5    6    0   14     0.5

North America   SSB    0    0    0  302   45    0  347    13.2
South America   SSB    0    1    0   26    6    2   35     1.3
Europe          SSB   14   67   13  130  244  142  610    23.1
Asia            SSB    0    6    0   33  145    1  185     7.0
Africa          SSB    0    0    0    0    3    3    6     0.2
Oceania         SSB    0    0    0   12   10    1   23     0.9

FT1000MP & TS-850SAT + 2 PAs
160m: inv V 
80m: GP, inv V
40m: 3el y, dipole
20m: 4/4el ys, 4el
15m: 4/4el ys, 4el
10m: 6el y

We are very satisfied to our result: the old OH record is 1,69M pts ...
Rates were good almost all through the contest and we even did not have East 
European type "several stations on same band" - set up :)
The big highlite was to work VK6HD on 160m/80m.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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