[3830] IARU N2IC SO CW

n2ic at arrl.net n2ic at arrl.net
Sun Jul 15 18:30:39 EDT 2001

                     IARU HF Championship
Call: N2IC

Class: SO CW  Power: HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23
Radios: SO2R

 Band     CW Qs    Ph Qs    Mults
  160:      11                 7
   80:      65                12
   40:     263                45
   20:     914                65
   15:     536                62
   10:     118                14
Total:    1907        0      205  =  1,396,460



A very tough contest this year from Colorado.  For the first 9 hours it felt 
more like Field Day - 80 % USA.  No JA heard on any band from 1600Z until 
0300Z.  Until the late afternoon, could only work the big gun EU stations.  
Just when 15 started improving to EU, I lost an hour due to thunderstorms.  The 
2 hours after the storm were murder to listen through - nearly bagged it, but 
hung in there.  Contrary to K5ZD's east coast experience, the low bands were 
the noisiest and poorest I have ever heard from Colorado - for the first time 
ever I worked no Pacific on 80.  No significant JA opening on 15 - another 
downer.  The high point was the fine EU opening on 20 from 03Z-06Z.

Too bad they added the HQ mults to this contest a decade ago - turned it into 
another New England Euro-feat, like every other DX contest.

Thanks for the great USA activity - much better than I remember in recent 

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