w2re at bestweb.net w2re at bestweb.net
Tue Mar 6 15:40:16 EST 2001

                     ARRL DX Contest, SSB
Call: W2RE
Operator(s): W2RE
Station: W2RE

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 47
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     15     12
   80:    117     57
   40:    187     74
   20:    872    112
   15:    779    108
   10:   1241    112
Total:   3211    475  =  4,574,250

Club: Hudson Valley Contesters and DX'ers


It was fun! Line noise and snow static was bad here on Sunday from the snow 
storm. That hurt my chances of beating last years score. Down about 150 q's and 
up 8 mults. Dissapointed with my 15m mult score, dont understand how I missed 
so many mults on 15?. However, 40m was a surprise because my 3el 40 is a dummy 
load and I used a broken 2el 40m cushcraft the whole weekend. Basically a 
rotatable dipole. The reflector was damaged in a ice storm a few weeks back. 
Had 10 straight 100+ hours on Saturday. 4 straight 100+ hours on Sunday. Best 
hour was 147/40 @ 1200z. Used 2 radios:
Run station:
FT1000mp + AL1500
5el 10m @ 30ft fixed Eu
4el 15m @ 115ft
4el 15m @ 105ft
2el 40m @  70ft
80m slopers
Mult station:
FT990 + Henry 3kd premier
10/15/20 TH7/TH6 70/40 ft WX0B stackmatch TH6 fixed south
TH7 rotatable
80m dipole 80ft
160 V at 110ft 
Writelog software

73 Ray W2RE

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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