[3830] SS CW 2001 KT0R SO-Unlimited

KT0R at aol.com KT0R at aol.com
Wed Nov 7 10:02:24 EST 2001

Another great contest. 

I was on for about 18-20 hours +-. Missed 1st hour and some other key times. 
But I hung in there. Worked late Saturday night till abt 3:45 am CST. 80 and 
40 were good. At 08:00 had a 53 hour and at 07:00 had a 43 hour. Didn't get 
back on till 10:30 11:00 on Sunday morning. Sunday did seem to be a struggle.
But did have a few 60 hours.

Well, here is my score. Not as good as last year but, what can you do.  

I did 122 Q's on 2nd radio and had 252 Band changes.

                       CW  SWEEPSTAKES SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 03-Nov-01, 04-Nov-01, 05-Nov-01

    Callsign Used : KT0R
         Operator : KT0R

         Category : SINGLE-OP UNLIMITED 

 Default Exchange : # U KT0R 73 MN

             Name : DAVID RANNEY
          Address : 2740 NATHAN LANE
   City/State/Zip : PLYMOUTH/MN/55441
          Country : United States


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW      115         115        230       3 
   40CW      336         336        672      14 
   20CW      148         148        296      12 
   15CW      241         241        482      42 
   10CW       46          46         92       9 

 Totals      886         886       1772      80 

    Final Score = 141,760 points.

I think should have went  to 40 earlier. But still my best band.

Hope to hear you all on for SS SSB. 

Going to try M/S again, 

Hope to work everyone.

Vry 73 Dave KT0R

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