Tue Nov 27 11:11:24 EST 2001

            CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2001

      Call:      VO1MP
      Category:  Single Operator
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      CW
      Country:   Canada
      Zone:      5


      160        0        0     0.00      0       0
       80      215      549     2.55     11      45
       40      221      545     2.47     16      60
       20      547     1372     2.51     23      70
       15      461     1240     2.69     26      81
       10      708     1945     2.75     26      87

     Totals   2152     5651     2.63    102     343  =>  2,514,695

All reports sent were 599, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
Kenwood 850 & ALPHA 78
Kenwood 950 & SB-220
CT Logging and Keying + Morsematic/Vibroplex
 Tower 1 = Homebrewed 4 el for 15  and Dipole 40/80
 Tower 2 = Homebrewed 4 el for 10
 Tower 3 = Driven element of a TH6 for 20 fixed NE/SW
 and 160 dipole ( in Garage)

                              Continent Statistics

                                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW    0   93  112  264  139  165  773    35.9
South America   CW    0     1      9     12      9    14    45      2.1
Europe              CW    0  121   94    245  285  498 1243    57.7
Asia                  CW    0      0     1      13    12    14     40
Africa                CW    0     1      5       7     14   13      40
Oceania             CW    0     0      0       7      2      4      13

Soap Box:
CT says I operated about 31 hours, however it is likely about 33

 Spent Friday afternoon finishing up antenna work until I ran out
of daylight and gas with 160 meter antenna still to install.
Conditions were very ropey on Saturday with 10 meters only occasionally
and 15 not much better, with my lack of antenna hardware , I was hardly
in a position to make much noise on 20 which might have been a
big producer, I guess I have gotten tired of building 20 meter Yagis that
do not survive one full winter and have placed a single element at the
highest location on the property , about 725' ASL looking at the ocean
in the clear, of course it won't stay there hi!
The combination 40/80 that I had moved from the hill top to a tower
closer to the house, managed to spew enough RF into the shack to
lock the Keyboard so had to resort to Paddle Keying with one hand and
 logging with the other on 40 and 80. Gotta get a real antenna for 40 and
 another tower to put it on, maybe 1/2 inch copper wire delta loop array to
 withstand the ice and wind  hi!
Not often you get to make more QSOs on the second day than on the first !
On Sunday 10 meters opened early and on time here,  so I was able to stake
28.000.5 and run a couple of hundred before the big dogs showed up.
I find in this contest if you're not a multiplier your antennas must be big
your signal  bigger hi!! Although I did manage  to get the rate meter over
270 -last 10 several times and last 100 at 170 a few times but no sustained
periods of really high activity.
This one really brings em all out  ... there were stations CQ'ing on 10
all the way up to 28220, on fifteen all the way up to 21150 and on 20 up
to 14120 in fact I had a few good runs on 28191  and 21147 or there abouts
So I dont think CW Mode is dead yet. Some good dx but did not manage to do a
hundred on any one band even though I did my share of S&P , Still  Single OP
one radio, although I have the hardware capabilities , mebbe new project
 for this winter. So far snow has been staying away  so maybe this weekend I
 can finish installing my 160 meter antenna.
 Thanks for Qs see you all next one GLWCDR.
 73 VO1MP- Gus

Club Affiliation:

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Gus Samuelson  VO1MP
               28 Skinners Road
               St.Phillips, Nf A1ML 1S1

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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