[3830] A61AJ SOAB + story

Robert Kasca Robert.Kasca at wfp.org
Tue Nov 27 10:50:28 EST 2001

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       Call: A61AJ (op. S53R)   Country:  United Arab Emirates
       Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator All Bands=20
(non assisted)


       160    200       514       2.57     13      46
        80     211       547       2.59     17      53
        40     1051     2865     2.73     29      92
        20     1257     3585     2.85     35     111
        15     1398     3864     2.76     34     111
        10     1951     5509     2.82     32     113

      Totals   6068    16884   2.78   160     526  =3D>  11,582,424

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
2 x IC-781, 1 x FT1000D, 3 x Alpha 87, CT9
160 - 4 sq
80  - 3 el yagi @ 150ft (non functional), 1/2 sloper (emergency, HI!)
40  - 3 el full-size yagi @ 150 ft
20  - 6 over 6 over 6 on 150 ft tower
15  - 6 over 6 on a 100 ft tower
10  - 7 over 7 over 7 on a 100 ft tower

Club Affiliation:=20

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                              Signature: Robert Kasca, S53R (signed)

            MAILING ADDRESS:

            Robert Kasca, S53R
            Beblerjeva 2
            SI-5280 Idrija, Slovenia=20

The Story..........

Luckily I was in Dubai for the whole month of November due to my working=20
commitments. The Multi-Multi effort planned at A61AJ was cancelled, so=20
there was a chance of doing it SOAB. However, the station was not fully=20
setup, since Ali, A61AJ, built the whole new shack. Sejo, T97C, who works=20
and lives in Abu Dhabi and was part of the MM last year, did some ground=20
work here by setting up the cables connections and so on.....

The new station is built in a way that all the cables are run through=20
plastic pipes in built in the floor, with outlets for each operating=20
position. Very good for MM, but a bit of a problem for a SO setup. So in=20
order not do dismantle everything, I decided to setup 3 stations, one for=20
160/80, one for 40/20 and one for 15/10. I had no means of connecting the=20
audio between the radios. So no real 2(3) radio setup. This would mean=20
running around the room for moving mults, but the solution proved to be=20
quite good after all.

The week before the contest was pretty tight at work and was quite tired=20
by Friday. Final chek-up Friday evening proved that everything was OK, but =

have not made any QSOs, but a few on 10 meters, which later proved to be a =

bit of a mistake. Went to bed at 2100 and had a very good sleep until=20
0300. Contest started at 0400 local time with a really good pileup on 40=20
and after the first 10 hours there were over 1800 QSOs in the log. I=20
decided that the first day I will not chase any mults, but will move=20
whoever wants to move. It is pretty hard to break EU/USA wall into=20
Carribeans and SA from this part of the world (that is my experience form=20
last year's MM effort from A61AJ). It proved to be the right decision. And =

people were really happy to move to other bands. So although not spending=20
much time chasing mults, the count was pretty good already the first day.=20
The disappointment was the propagation to USA. Even the big MMs were at=20
the noise level on 10, but with some exceptions out of blue, I mean guys=20
with probably modest setups and not very known calls. I really had lots of =

fun moving mults running around the room changing operating positions.=20
Wonder how that would look like on a video - I'm sure psychiatrists would=20
have a few words to add......=20

And then came the cold shower.... 80 m 3el yagi was just not performing.=20
All seemed to be fine on the instruments, but it sounded more like=20
beverage - no noise, directional but no response and virtually impossible=20
to break even the smallest pileups. However about 120 QSOs were logged=20
that night. I decided to built a sloper during the day which took me about =

and hour away from pile-ups - but it was well worth it. It was about 15dB=20
over the "yagi". Still have to figure out what is wrong with the monster=20
antenna. The first 24 hours were gone and over 4000Qs were in the log with =

a score of just over 5 mega points.Well on the way to the a new Asian=20

Second day was business as usual, running pile-ups but concentrating on=20
moving mults and checking for new ones with much more dedication. At=20
around 1400 local the bands just died out for a while. But then the=20
rock'n'roll started. Firstly Europeans mixed with JAs. Signals from all=20
directions were so loud - like I was using a vertical on RX. Turning the=20
beams did not make much of a difference. Later on, US joined the crowd=20
with exceptionally strong sigs. It was really hard to maintain even a slow =

150 QSO/hr rate being faced with a +20dB "carrier" every time I went on=20
RX. The differences between the signals were really marginal and even=20
picking one single letter or two was an effort. This went on for a few=20
hours and really made my day. By evening I was already quite tired, but=20
still decided that there will be no sleep. I had a real crisis around=20
after midnight local time with some four hours to go, being virtually=20
asleep and running pretty slow on 40m. That is when you ask yourself:=20
"What do I have to do when somebody calls me!?" At this stage I walked out =

of the shack and sunk my head into the pool. It certainly had=20
helped.......   Until the end quite a few juicy mults were then worked and =

some last minute pileups run. At 00Z the score showed over 11.5 mega=20
points which is two mega over the current Asian record set by Ivo,=20
C4A/5B4ADA. I must say that I was pretty happy. However, this year's SOAB=20
participation from Asia was just tremendous - C4A, C4W, JY9NX, A45XR, 9K9X =

and A61AJ and the scores from the other guys are yet to be seen.=20

Thanks you all for moving so willingly - every single new multiplier is=20
more than appreciated, being a most common, or a really rare one. And last =

but not least ? thanks to my boss, ON6TT, for letting me off for two=20

It was a great pleasure to operate the mega setup at A61AJ again. It=20
really is amazing to see Ali's dedication and determination to built such=20
a station - a contesters paradise.=20

73 Robert, S53R=20

Hope to see you soon from YA5T .......... 

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