n2nt1 at home.com n2nt1 at home.com
Mon Oct 29 22:23:48 EST 2001

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
Call: N2NT
Operator(s): N2NT
Station: K1ZM

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 46.6
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     23      7     17
   80:     93     15     56
   40:    234     22     83
   20:    907     38    120
   15:    776     36    121
   10:   1634     34    129
Total:   3667    152    526  =  7,081,710



A big thanks to Jeff K1ZM for letting me use his station on Cape Cod while he 
was racking up the Q's on 160 from VY2ZMM :).

Jeff has a great location but somewhat limited in antennas. I wanted to see how 
I would do there compared to my home station. I have bigger antennas at home,  
but lots of other problems like line noise and interaction, with just an 
average location.

It was obvious that 10 mtrs plays great, and so do the low bands. With these 
conditions though, it became a high band contest, and just couldn't compete 
with the big stacks. Still did better than I would have from home I think, and 
very happy to see that the station worked flawlessly in SO2R mode, which we 
wired up a few weeks ago. Another big thanks to Jay WX0B for delivering all the 
necessary switch boxes on a tight schedule. They all worked FB.

Congrats to AR and 2M for big scores. Lots of guys over 6 meg this time.
Kudos to K4ZW who I heard has the same multiplier, and a nice score;
Ken is quietly making lots of noise, and might have beaten me if I had stayed 

FT 1000D , Titan
IC 781, Alpha 87A


Cushcraft X9/X9/X7 triband stack.
Pair of XM 240 for 40m.
Second tower X9 and XM 240 for multipliers.
Dipoles on 80/160.

73, Andy N2NT

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