[3830] NAQP SSB K4NO M/2 LP

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Mon Aug 19 20:35:05 EDT 2002

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: K4NO
Station: K4NO

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   23    14
   80:   94    36
   40:  271    51
   20:  175    38
   15:   47    20
   10:    2     2
Total:  612   161  Total Score = 98,532

Club: South East Contest Club



What a great day. Went to the Huntsville Hamfest in the morning and during the
SouthEastern Contest Club meeting, talked strategy with K4AB, K4CU (KA9EKJ op)
and KU4J.  Looks like the meeting helped K4AB as Larry put us some big numbers
and K4CU Roger had a personal best from his house.  It was also good the work
Tim KU4J as he is getting back in the contesting arena after a long absence.

Work projects, a nearby lightning hit a month ago and some remodeling work at
the house has station maintence on the back burner so a competetive multi op was
not possible. My daughter enjoys SSB contesting and I let her operate when we
can so I decided to let her play radio with the old man this weekend. She's 10
and has been helping out for several years in various contests.

The contest was in full swing when I got home from the hamfest, my multi partner
was not home so I took off on 15 Meters. Band was pretty good but a thunderstorm
took me off the air for an hour or so.  I worked on a couple of house projects
during the storm.  Daughter finally came home and wasn't too interested in
contesting.  I had been following the multi 10 minute rules and didn't ask
anyone to QSY as I only had one radio going.  Gillian finally got interested
around 6 PM when I was running folks on 20 meters.  She took over and kept the
rate around 60 an hour for about 20 minutes when she decided that was enough and
she was finished for the contest.  I took over CQ'ing and while waiting for a
call, a voice came back to me and said "put your daughter back on she's doing
better than you"

At this point, I couldn't become a single op so I kept following the Multi rules
and the mult total suffered a bit for it.  Wanted to see if I could break the
3rd place multi score from last Aug NAQP SSB but too much time off while the
activity was on the high bands did me in.  Oh well. 40 was fun especially
working KH6 and VY1.  Summer and 160 meter antennas don't mix here in the south
especially if you have radials.

It would be interesting to find out how many folks heard the NAQP contest and
jumped in but I am not sure how this could be accompolished. NAQP has the best
format for attracting new blood.

CU sprints

Greg K4NO

Hope to work eve

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