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Sun Mar 3 16:18:22 EST 2002

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: N6WIN
Operator(s): N6WIN
Station: W6KK

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: North Am
Operating Time (hrs): 29

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    1     1
   80:   18     9
   40:   50    23
   20:  157    64
   15:  232    75
   10:  361    71
Total:  819   243  Total Score = 597,051



This is my 1st serious contest effort since 1991 and is my 1st all band DX
entry. I had a lot of fun working the contest from W6KK's home QTH. I was 13
years old working on my Dad's G5RV during my last contest (1991 CQP), this year
I was treated by being able to use the equipment listed below. My goal was to
beat just my ARRL section, but I am hoping to finish within the top 5 of my
class for Regional Single Op.

I learned a lot about band openings and how to work a contest, but have much to
learn. Next contest should go better. My operating equipment was:

Kenwood TS-950SDX, KLM KT34XA,KLM 4-40, 80 meter dipole and a 160m Inverted L.

73 de Tim, N6WIN 23 yrs old - need to learn to get less sleep next time.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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