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Tue Mar 4 05:07:44 EST 2003

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: KC1XX
Operator(s): KC1XX,K1AR,K1DG,K1TR,N2AA,W2RQ,AD1C,W1FV,K1GQ
Station: KC1XX

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 47.2

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   77    48
   80:  593    86
   40:  632    95
   20: 1943   148
   15: 2202   138
   10:  963   119
Total: 6410   634  Total Score = 12,176,604

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club



      Call:      KC1XX
      Category:  Multi Multi
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      SSB 
      Section:   NH

      160       77      231   3.0       48   K1GQ
       80      593     1779   3.0       86   W1FV
       40      632     1884   3.0       95   AD1C/K1TR
       20     1943     5829   3.0      148   N2AA/W2RQ/K1TR
       15     2202     6597   3.0      138   K1AR/K1DG/K1TR
       10      963     2886   3.0      119   KC1XX
     Totals   6410    19206   3.0      634  =   12,176,604

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: KC1XX,K1AR,K1DG,K1TR,N2AA,W2RQ,AD1C,W1FV,K1GQ

Equipment Description:  http://www.kc1xx.com


Like everyone else, we suffered through the propagation.  But in a
multi-multi, you can drive up the QSO totals by passing guys around to
almost-closed bands and a) hope they show up, and b) hope you hear
them.  But the best part of a M/M is the camaraderie of (in our case)
nine guys just hanging out, playing radio, and laughing our butts off
for 48 hours (when we're not kicking the competition's).

This time we had the three top contesters from Windham, NH helping us
out -- K1s AR, DG and TR.  Bill W2RQ brought along his friend Gene,
N2AA, who knows a little bit about contesting.  As always, Matt's wife
Christine and the girls kept us well taken care of, and provided
pleasant distractions when the runs slowed down.  I wouldn't be
surprised if some of you heard Anika while we were calling CQ.

160 Meters:  Bill K1GQ is learning "the voice" slowly but surely.  He
deserves a medal for sticking it on 160 meters Saturday night for a
total of 10 QSOs and 3 multipliers in 14 hours of operation.  He
claimed there were only two stations he heard but did not work - the
3-element vertical really plays!

80 meters:  Tough going on this band, but John managed to even work 5
JAs despite the lousy conditions.  Many of the Europeans peaked from
the southeast instead of direct path, except for Saturday night.  He
worked some Europeans 2 hours after their sunrise!

40 meters:  Jim started off the contest feeling lousy (even skipped
the pre-contest dinner, a first).  Runs were slow and he couldn't
break the pileups.  Ed K1TR give him a couple hours of much-needed
rest time, and when he sat down, discovered the Heil headset he had
been using had an intermittent mike.  Swapped headsets and things
returned to "normal".  The rotator problems that plagued 40 meters in
the CW contest were fixed when Matt's associate Andrew ran a new
control line of heavy-gauge copper.  We never thought the indicator
was working completely right, but it was because the Europeans were
peaking out of the south/east rather than the northeast!  JAs were
loud Sunday morning, but there weren't enough to work.

20 meters:  It's always nice to have some hired guns working this
band.  Gene's voice could be heard in western Europe even with the
mike turned off.  They worked a ton of guys in the pacific Saturday
night, ragchewing with many of them but some nice mults called in:
ZK1, 5W and 3D2 to name a few.

15 meters:  This was our money band this year.  Former WRTC champions
and brothers-in-law K1AR and K1DG cleaned out the band.  When things
were slow, using the 2-radio setup they took turns calling CQ on the
same frequency to see who the DX would come back to.  They even kept
score!  Doug's master of several foreign languages kept things

10 meters:  The band opened late, was skew-path to Europe beaming over
Africa much of the weekend, but Matt still got up each day at 0900z to
make sure he didn't miss anything.  He heard many guys south of us
running DX that we could not even hear -- not a peep.  You can tell
conditions are poor when Matt is trying to run the Spanish-speaking
boys in some form of Spanish.  I don't know if he was able to
successfully pass any of them to 15 meters, but it was entertaining to
listen to.

Thanks to all the multis for the competition.  We would have no need
or desire to do this by ourselves.

In case you're curious, in the four DX contests this season, the KC1XX
station made 29,947 QSOs.  After a couple of year hiatus, we will be
sending out QSL cards again this summer to confirm all new calls and
new band-modes.  Watch your mailboxes!

73 - The KC1XX Team

                              Continent Statistics
  KC1XX   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     02 Mar 2003  2359z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   SSB   19   33   42   76   74   72  316     4.8
South America   SSB    5   20   26  102   81  145  379     5.8
Europe          SSB   48  528  527 1447 1694  620 4864    74.4
Asia            SSB    0    9   28  202  332   68  639     9.8
Africa          SSB    4    6    9   32   31   38  120     1.8
Oceania         SSB    1   13   11  125   31   35  216     3.3

	QSO Counts By Band-Country (10 or more QSOs on a band)

  KC1XX   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     02 Mar 2003  2359z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10
   9A     2           8           4          18          18          14
   CT     1           4           6          10          11           7
   DL     4          76          76         192         267          73
   EA     2          19          25          50          52          35
   EI                 9           2          10           8           8
    F     3          25          41          91          96          39
    G     5          67          60         249         239          68
   GI     1           7           7          15           7           5
   GM     2           8           7          33          19           9
   GW     1           9           9          21          15           6
   HA     1          12          12          25          40          16
   HB     2           6           7          25          28          17
    I     5          51          84         162         188         125
   JA                 5          19         105         272          55
  KP4     1           1           1           6          11           9
   LA                 5           3          12          11           3
   LU                 3           7          30          25          47
   LY     2           8           6          14          13           8
   LZ     1          13           3          20          19           9
   OE     1           9          10          18          28           6
   OH                 7           6          31          41           6
   OK     1          25          13          34          68          13
   OM     2           8           6          14          14           8
   ON                 8           9          37          45           9
   OZ     1           8           6          15          14           6
   PA     3          19          22          52          61          19
   PY                 3           7          32          29          57
   S5                18           7          23          33          21
   SM                 9           8          32          36           5
   SP     2          26          18          43          49          14
   SV                 7           7          15          18           4
   UA     1          12          15          56          88           6
  UA9                             6          47          29           2
   UR     2          17          14          34          48           5
   VK                 6           6          68           5          15
   XE     1           4           3          13           6           5
   YO                 3           4          11          13           8
   YU                 4           6          26          30          17
   ZL                 2           1          30           2           5
   ZS                                        11          10          16


HOUR      160       80       40       20       15       10   HR TOT  CUM TOT

   0    .....    59/26    56/29    49/31    57/27    11/5   232/118  232/118
   1     2/2     46/9     26/10    25/10    20/0       .     119/31  351/149
   2     2/2     31/10    28/6     26/6      5/2       .      92/26  443/175
   3    12/10    22/4     19/8     19/3       .        .      72/25  515/200
   4    16/11    37/7     22/10    23/5       .        .      98/33  613/233
   5    17/11    43/5     20/5     10/4       .        .      90/25  703/258
   6    10/4     46/7     29/5     15/6       .        .     100/22  803/280
   7     2/1     19/3     36/3     21/2       .        .      78/9   881/289
   8     2/2      7/3     32/2     21/8     .....    .....    62/15  943/304
   9      .       8/0      7/0     13/3       .        .      28/3   971/307
  10     1/1      3/1      5/0     65/10     6/5       .      80/17 1051/324
  11      .       3/0      6/0    123/6     60/20    29/13   221/39 1272/363
  12      .        .        .      98/7     78/18    50/18   226/43 1498/406
  13      .        .        .      64/3    222/10    73/24   359/37 1857/443
  14      .        .        .      42/2    179/5     52/13   273/20 2130/463
  15      .        .        .      68/2    181/6     46/10   295/18 2425/481
  16    .....    .....    .....    85/6    149/3     41/7    275/16 2700/497
  17      .        .        .      97/1    101/1     39/3    237/5  2937/502
  18      .        .        .      83/2     58/3     21/1    162/6  3099/508
  19      .        .        .      73/0     55/3     19/1    147/4  3246/512
  20      .        .       1/0     73/2     30/4     13/2    117/8  3363/520
  21      .        .      44/1     53/2     30/4     12/0    139/7  3502/527
  22      .      20/0     15/1     49/0     81/3     39/2    204/6  3706/533
  23      .      16/0     49/1     31/3    107/1     34/1    237/6  3943/539
   0    .....    33/1     33/1     15/2     39/1      4/2    124/7  4067/546
   1      .      21/1     17/0     11/0      1/0       .      50/1  4117/547
   2     2/1     12/1     15/1      9/2       .        .      38/5  4155/552
   3     2/2     13/0      9/1      7/2       .        .      31/5  4186/557
   4     2/0     27/2     12/1     13/1       .        .      54/4  4240/561
   5     3/0     33/1      6/1      8/0       .        .      50/2  4290/563
   6     1/0     32/3     19/3     17/3       .        .      69/9  4359/572
   7      .      20/1     24/2      7/0       .        .      51/3  4410/575
   8    .....     4/0     30/1     12/0     .....    .....    46/1  4456/576
   9      .        .      15/0      5/0       .        .      20/0  4476/576
  10      .       3/0      3/1     55/1       .        .      61/2  4537/578
  11      .        .       1/0     88/0     27/2      8/0    124/2  4661/580
  12      .        .        .      63/4    105/2     11/0    179/6  4840/586
  13      .        .        .      32/0    111/3     50/2    193/5  5033/591
  14      .        .        .      28/1     83/1     90/4    201/6  5234/597
  15      .        .        .      21/0     86/2    102/1    209/3  5443/600
  16    .....    .....    .....    35/1     77/1     93/2    205/4  5648/604
  17      .        .        .      61/2     71/2     75/3    207/7  5855/611
  18      .        .        .      68/1     66/1     14/1    148/3  6003/614
  19      .        .        .      55/1     34/1      9/0     98/2  6101/616
  20      .        .       1/0     62/2     25/2      7/2     95/6  6196/622
  21      .        .      16/0     23/0     12/1      8/0     59/1  6255/623
  22      .      15/0      9/1     13/0     25/1     10/2     72/4  6327/627
  23     3/1     20/1     27/1      9/1     21/3      3/0     83/7  6410/634
DAY1    64/44   360/75   395/81 1226/124 1419/115  479/100    ..... 3943/539
DAY2    13/4    233/11   237/14   717/24   783/23   484/19      .   2467/95 
TOT     77/48   593/86   632/95 1943/148 2202/138  963/119      .   6410/634

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