[3830] WAE CW NO2R M/S HP

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Sun Aug 15 20:36:48 EDT 2004

                    WAE DX Contest, CW

Call: NO2R
Operator(s): K2TW,W2GD,NO2R
Station: NO2R

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 40

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:   85    85    26
   40:  381   378    40
   20:  629   628    46
   15:  539   538    42
   10:   27    27    15
Total: 1661  1656   169  Total Score = 1,425,450

Club: Frankford Radio Club


First attempt for a M/S effort from this QTH born from the fact that K2NG's
contest QTH was not available this year.Used Force 12 C31XR and C3 for 10,15,and
20.Cushcraft 2 ele. for 40 and Delta Loop on 80.Put the second station up last
week just before the contest began.Next purchase will be an antenna switching
network instead of swapping coax back and forth between stations.My tnx to
Tom,K2TW and John,W2GD for making it possible.  Pete,NO2R

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