[3830] SS CW K4BAI Single Op HP

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Mon Nov 8 11:50:15 EST 2004

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23:55
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  328
   40:  343
   20:  352
   15:   84
   10:    3
Total: 1110  Sections = 80  Total Score = 177,600

Club: South East Contest Club


FT1000MP (2), Alpha 78, AL811H, TH6DXX, zepp, dipole, inverted vee.  NA version
10.  80 meters was much more important this year than it has been for a number
of years.  After several years of doing this contest SO2R from W4AN, I used SO2R
at home this year.  The last few hours were difficult with aurora sounding
signals and very weak signals generally on 80 meters.  20 closed early.  40 had
loud signals with aurora.  My last section was from KH6NF on 40 M about 8 AM our
time.  KH7X had a huge pileup on 20 M about sundown Sunday.  VY1JA and KL7WV
both called me on 80!  Thanks for all the QSOs.  Didn't make many QSOs on 10
because don't have a good antenna for the second rig for that band without
retuning the zepp from 40M.  Probably should have marked the tuner and made the
band change.  But that would have required manual insertion of another bandpass
filter, since I had used up all the switches and jumpers I could find.  Radio
Shack had no switches or jumpers or coax couplers on Saturday.  By the time I
put rig #1 on ten meters, I had worked on another band nearly every station I
could hear on ten.  

This was my 50th SS, since my first one was 1955.  Well, it would have been the
50th except the US Army sent me to Korea for a time that included the 1968 SS
and HL9KQ was not eligible to participate.  So next year will be the 50th, the
good Lord willing.


John, K4BAI.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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