[3830] NAQP SSB NK7U M/2 LP

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Sun Aug 20 20:00:19 EDT 2006

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: NK7U
Operator(s): NK7U, K7ZO
Station: NK7U

Class: M/2 LP
QTH: Oregon
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   33    10
   80:  166    45
   40:  296    51
   20:  590    57
   15:   34    11
   10:    0     0
Total: 1119   174  Total Score = 194,706




>From the postings so far I can see this was clearly not a contest for the west
coast and the pacific northwest in particular. Our conditions can be summarized
in two simple words "They Sucked". Congrats to the NX5M team for a great score
and making the best out of their propagation advantage. But, they were clearly
in a different contest than we were.

It was only Joe and I this time. All our other usual suspects were busy doing
summer family activities. 10M was flatline for us the whole day. We checked it
many times up until 0300Z but nothing was heard. 15M was open at the start of
the contest but only to Florida and nearby. Probably 60-70% of our 15M QSO's
were with stations in Florida. 20M was open the whole day until we finally
QSY'd off the band in the 0300 hour. We also had some really good 20M mults
that we hardly ever get in NAQP -- 8P, HH, PJ7, TG, TI, VP2E, and XE was very
easy with XE1KK very active. But, as several others mentioned 20M got really
punky in the 0000 and 0100 hours. From the notes and charts on some of the
websites it looks like there was a general disturbance at that time. We even
took 35 minutes off for dinner in the 0100 hour. When we came back things
seemed to really pick up as 0200 approached. We had our two best hours on the
0200 hour (214 Q's) and in the 0300 hour (176 Q's) 

With 15M being so bad we actually went to 40M around 2100Z though it is not
possible to make many QSO's until later when the single op stations migrate to
40M. Our best hour was in the 0300Z periond with a 107. 

20M and 40M were still both rocking at 0330Z with Joe and I passing stations
back and forth across the bands. But, we needed to hit 80M for the mults and
the fresh meat and Joe made the move at 0340Z aiming his 3 element beam due
east. Joe's favorite band is 80M and he made the most of it turning in 166 X 45
during the 2:20 until the contest ended. I really helped using the 40M station
to pass stations to 80M especially for the mults. As we said "if you want an
80M OREGON mult give us a call on 38XX, we will hear you, we have a 3 element
beam aimed right at you" -- worked wonderfully.

We knew we needed to at least made an attempt at 160M to get a few mults --
even though we knew we would face 59+10 noise. K7ZO moved from 40 to 160 a bit
before 0500Z to catch the usual "Top of the hour" gathering. He did manage to
make 33 Q's with a higher than expected 10 mults including an unexpected AC0W
in MN coming in loud an clear.

Thanks everyone for the Q's and QSY'ing when asked. We will see you in January
and I know the conditions will be better -- they sure can't get any worse.


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