[3830] NAQP SSB W6YX M/2 LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 20 20:09:03 EDT 2006

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: W6YX
Operator(s): K6UFO  N6DE  N7MH  W6RK
Station: W6YX

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12.

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   31     8
   80:   61    22
   40:  268    49
   20:  420    57
   15:  117    33
   10:   14     3
Total:  911   172  Total Score = 156,692

Club: Northern California Contest Club



Ouch, that was painful. Over 200 QSOs less than last year. As expected, 
10m and 15m died out early, leaving us on 20m and 40m early in the day, 
about 5 hrs before sunset here on the west coast. We called and called 
stations for hours on 20m, 40m, and 80m, who would just CQ in our face. 
We would try a CQ frequency with few answers - then someone would be 
take the frequency without even hearing us, then they would proceed to 
work a run of stations...

Our rate was only over 100 in two hour periods 01Z and 03Z. Congrats 
to the NX5M M/2 who were operating on a different planet than us - 
their rate was only BELOW 100 in two hour periods.  

If there were any highlights for us, it would be N7MH finding 15m open 
again at 0220Z. Stations were over S9 from many parts of the country. 
We stayed there for almost an hour and got 10 more mults. On 10m, 
outside of the friendly locals in California, we managed to work K0UK 
in Colorado (backscatter, not direct), and TG9NX when he turned his 
beam to the west coast. We heard 10m beacons from FL in the 02Z hour, 
but we couldn't find any FL stations on 10m, or to move there.

QSO/MUL by hour and band

 Hour     160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm  
D1-1800Z    -       -       -     47/25   44/15    6/1    97/41     97/41  
D1-1900Z    -       -       -     40/13   27/4      -     67/17    164/58  
D1-2000Z    -       -       -      9/0     9/4     2/1    20/5     184/63  
D1-2100Z    -       -      2/2    19/2     4/0     5/1    30/5     214/68  
D1-2200Z    -       -     23/11   27/6      -      1/0    51/17    265/85  
D1-2300Z    -       -     16/5    77/4      -       -     93/9     358/94  
D2-0000Z  --+--   --+--   17/7    64/4    --+--   --+--   81/11    439/105 
D2-0100Z    -       -     34/9    67/1      -       -    101/10    540/115 
D2-0200Z    -       -     38/6    33/1    21/10     -     92/17    632/132 
D2-0300Z    -      8/6    79/7    13/0    12/0      -    112/13    744/145 
D2-0400Z    -     27/11   36/0    24/1      -       -     87/12    831/157 
D2-0500Z  31/8    26/5    23/2      -       -       -     80/15    911/172 

Total:    31/8    61/22  268/49  420/57  117/33   14/3  

   Transmitting stations: Yaesu FT-1000MP & MkV
   Spotting: Yaesu FT-847

   Multibander: Mosley Pro67 at 50 ft (for spotting station).
   Tribander: Force12 C31XR at 60 ft
   10m: 5-el at 31 ft, 6-el at 75 ft
   15m: 6-el at 75 ft, 5-el at 25 ft
   20m: 6-el at 65 ft, 5-el at 36 ft.
   40m: 4-el yagi at 65 ft, and inverted vee at 55 ft.
   80m: 4-square with bad SWR (something's wrong), inverted vee at 55 ft
  160m: T antenna, 60ft at top.

   Writelog 10.47E - and for the first time we had a few glitches, maybe 
caused by our hurried setup on Sat. morning.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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