[3830] WAE CW N1BAA Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 10 21:00:09 EDT 2008

                    WAE DX Contest, CW

Call: N1BAA
Operator(s): N1BAA
Station: N1BAA

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 33

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:  103    30   112
   40:  396   418   132
   20:  564   733   100
   15:  126    43    64
   10:   34     0    30
Total: 1223  1224   438  Total Score = 1,071,786

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


FIRST WAE from NEW ENGLAND...and oh what a difference!!!

No excuses this weekend! Family was away and left me here to contest without
distractions: no family in town...no school functions, no work
requirements...etc... <smiling>

Had no choice but to run LP this year due to amp having faulty Relay control
board and damaged the radio once already....

Decided to put up a phased set of bevs for the low bands to cut down on the QRN
from the THUNDERSTORMS that have been terrible this year....and that was a great
idea! 300 foot bevs phased 135 feet apart was a godsend! 2L yagi on 40 was too
noisy to use most of the time....so I am thankful I could hear!!!

Conditions were very good from here in Mass....First night had great sigs on
40/80 and Saturday morning just got better with 15M opening long before I got
up at 7AM.... 10 seemed better on Sunday morning... but all in all, it was very
nice to have 10 and 15 open so well.  I probably heard 12 or so mults on 10M I
just could NOT get through to and there were a few on 15 as well.......

Had to collect QTCs on 10-15 and 80 and give them up on 20/40....EU ops handle
QTCs OH SO WELL!! Thanks for the patience!!!!

Did lose 20M yagi in a direct tower strike with 3 hours to go...and had to wait
3 hours until power came back on and that was ok...as 40M was NOT opened enough.

ABSOLUTE BLAST!  One of my favorites!!! 

Second Radio would have been nice during the low points...Going to look into
that VERY SOON!!!


80M SHUNT FED TOWER with 13,000 feet of radials
80M dipole at 60 feet
40M 2L mono yagi at 82 feet
20M 5L mono yagi at 70 feet
15M 6L mono yagi at 60 feet
10M 6L mono yagi at 55 feet

Receive beverages for 40/80

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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