[3830] ARRL 160 W5KI Single Op HP

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Sun Dec 6 18:10:53 PST 2009

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: W5KI
Operator(s): W5KI
Station: W5KI

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19.0

Total:  QSOs = 714  Sections = 77  Countries = 15  Total Score = 135,516



Lost the 160m dipole at the top of my "hill" to lightning last summer. Had a
temp one lower on the hillside.  Expected okay results in the US, but worried
about Europe(after 18 years in SNJ, you get spoiled working Europe). Didn't
hear a lot but worked every country heard, outside NA, on just about the first
call with this VERY low full-size dipole (avg 15 feet AGL), so guess it works. 
JA, F, G HA, OK, OM, ON, HC8, PJ2, and the usual active Caribbean countries.

Real tough to get a run freq during the prime hours, so I usually didn't even
try, and that cost quite a few contacts.  When finding a run freq, the rates
were better than expected for "me".

The past few years, other commitments kept me out of the test except for a few
hours.  Good to be active again in this, my absolute favorite contest.  Dating
back to the early 70's in the USAF with some old friends, many now SKs.  We
used to be Top 10 Multi-Op with 100 watts.  That sure wouldn't happen today!! 
I can't operate in this contest without thinking of them.

The new IC-7600 was a great improvement over the older Pro II.  Just an
outstanding rig.

Got all sections except AK, PR, and NWT.  Heard KL7 early the first night, but
didn't spend any time trying since I "knew" they would be easy later, or again
on Saturday night.  Guess that was a bad strategy, hihi!

Enjoyed it and thanks to all the folks that worked us.  73, Steve.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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