[3830] RTTY Roundup AA5AU Single Op LP
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Thu Jan 8 00:46:47 EST 2009
Call: AA5AU
Operator(s): AA5AU
Station: AA5AU
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs
80: 189
40: 708
20: 688
15: 255
10: 0
Total: 1840 State/Prov = 59 Countries = 46 Total Score = 193,200
If you look at the score you would think that my main problem was lack of
multipliers. Yes, that was a problem but the main cause of the low score this
year was the weather. The weather has been unkind me to in the past year and
it put the screws to me pretty good during the contest. An hour into my low
band run, and with the rate running well over 100/hr since the start of the
contest, a train of thunderstorms started rolling over the area beginning at
0000Z that produced frequent lighting strikes and torrential rains which cause
rain static that blanketed 40 meters completely. The static was very bad on 80
but I was able to copy signals; using my lower tribander for a receive antenna.
But on 40, no matter what antenna I tried, the rain-static ruled the band. The
only time the static would subside was after a lightning strike. After a
lightning strike, the static would go away for about 30 seconds. So I'd CQ and
work a couple of stations, them BAM, the static was back. It's a hell of a way
to have to operate.
Having had to operate like this before, mainly in the July NAQP RTTY tests, I
knew the static could disappear at any time. So I gutted it out on 80 and made
contacts after lightning strikes on 40 waiting for the rain static to
Finally at 0430Z the lightning was right on top of me and I had to QRT for just
over an hour. When the lightning subsided I tried again, but the rain static
was still there. The weather man said the rain would end at midnight and damn
if he wasn't right on the money. At 0600Z, the rain static finally went away.
But the damage was done. I went on until 0730Z, when I took my second break.
Losing six hours on the low bands was a contest killer.
I estimate I lost about 120 contacts on 80 and 150 on 40 meters. I may have
made up most of the 40 meter stuff on Sunday, but I never recouped the loss on
80. Even with the low mult count, my score should have been well over 200k.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda...
The other 3/4 of the contest was a blast. As this contest is like none other.
The most pleasant surprise was the nice 15 meter opening late Sunday morning to
the east coast and midwest followed by another strong opening to the west
And besides the weather, the lack of EU mults took another big bite out of the
score. I went to 20 just before sunrise and heard a couple of strong EU
signals but not many. I decided not to stay because I'm normally not heard
well on 20 in EU that early when running low power. When I went back to 20
after sunrise, the EU stations were mostly gone. The only ones still coming
through were the high power/big antenna guys. I didn't work a single G or EU
UA station. It was disappointing.
Congrats to Ted HI3TEJ and Chad WE9V on excellent SOLP scores. It looks like a
dead heat with all of us within 520 points of each other. The official results
should be exciting!!!
Considering that four months ago I didn't have any antennas, I feel quite
fortunate just to have been a part of this great contest. I finished the tower
a week before the contest, rebuilt the D40 on Monday and hung it on Tuesday, the
A3S on Wednesday, took Thursday off to rest and finished the last antenna (80M
inverted vee) just 24 hours before the contest Friday. I feel extremely proud
of the way I fought back. The antennas worked great!!! I always said I
wouldn't go down without a fight. I just didn't figure I'd get decked by the
weather (again). Thanks to all who worked me in the contest. I can't wait
until next year. I guess I need to pray to the weather gods a bit more. Maybe
sacrifice a vertical to lightning or something. I don't know...
But I do know... AA5AU is back!!!
73, Don AA5AU
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