[3830] CQ160 CW OL4A(@OK1RI/OK1RF) Multi-Op HP

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Mon Jan 31 11:00:28 PST 2011

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: OL4A
Operator(s): OK1FFU, OK1RI, OK8WW, OM5AW, OM6NM
Station: OK1RI/OK1RF

Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Brezina
Operating Time (hrs): 36

Total:  QSOs = 1854  State/Prov = 46  Countries = 93  Total Score = 1,623,798



Planned as a social event - to meet after our C5A trip.
When we were setting up the beverages in 25 cm of snow on "deep plowed" fields
in minus 10 deg C, I said we could have met in my house in Prague... than
everyone present said more-less the same, summing it up that we are a hopeless
group of crazy ones….

We had only "vanilla" station - one TRX, no second RX.... Only one operator at
a time.

The propagation during the first night towards NA was BAD. We finished with
only 33 states, and in the morning E7DX some 600 km to the south beat us by
around 200 QSOs ! I do not know if it was bad operation, bad propagation, bad
frequency exactly the same as KM3T from KC1XX wrote today.
Second night was considerably better. The high-light was working exactly 100
JAs. The low point was that about every 2 minutes someone wants to steal your

Also I just wonder why there are still so many stations with clicks. You might
have a station who is 59+50 dB 250 Hz from the frequency and no problem, you
might have a station 59+20 and he is 2 kHz wide. Maybe now is a time to
disqualify those rhinos, most of them with FT1000MPs.

If we will be next time in CQ160 we will have 2 radios - that is for sure. We
had a good time. Taking into account our setup we are most happy with the final
score, we had no big ambitions in this one.

Thanks for a call and see you in next contest.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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