[3830] ARRL June VHF W4EIP Limited Multi-Op LP

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Wed Jun 20 14:58:46 PDT 2012

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: W4EIP
Operator(s): W4EIP WO4D KE4MMI KC4HW
Station: W4EIP

Class: Limited Multi-Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  142    51
Total:  142    51  Total Score = 7,242

Club: Florida Contest Group


Thanks to WO4D KE4MMI and W4EIP (our host) for helping pull this together.

We had planned to installed a F9FT Tonna 2m Beam.  Did rebuilt the driven
element on Friday morning, but by the time we got the antenna to W4EIP's tower
there was another of many t-storms!  So we thought that it could go up Saturday
morning, but after sleeping on it, we just decided to go with a 6m only entry
and fore go the 2m installation.  Would have been nice to have tried out the 2m
station as well, but it just did not work out.

6m was really funny.  It would be great guns for a few minutes and then in the
tank the next.   On Saturday we really only had about two sessions where it was

WX was very challenging with all the t-storms!

We did manage to get another 6m dipole up and it produced one Northeast QSO
when we had the beam pointed due West, we barely heard a station in the
Northeast, but when switched over to the dipole he was Q5--so this little
dipole did it job. I am sure that it would have been more useful with better
propagation.  Actually we put one of these dipoles up at WO4D QTH and it played
good on Friday night.    

The 6m 7 element beam that W4EIP built worked wonderfully.  It was based on the
LFA design that G0KSC has developed.  We had several worked stations comment
that we were "loud".  Arnie did a great job building the antenna.  I am sure
that he will enjoy many more QSOs with this 6m antenna/station.

The radio was a IC551D about 75 watts output.  This rig did a very good job on
CW and PH.  I thought it had a excellent RX.  

Unfortunately on Sunday, I had to come back home to South Alabama, Arnie said
that conditions on Sunday were not much better than Saturday.  

We did work two XE stations, but no other DX.  

All and all it was a "spur of the moment" get together to test out W4EIP's 6m
station.  It played very well.  Arnie was a bit disappointed that there was not
more CW, but maybe next time.  Actually we found ourselves CQing in the beacon
portion of the band, so we apologize to any beacon owner that might have been
QRM by this lack of knowledge.  sri We will know better next time.  

Thanks for all the Qs. 


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