[3830] ARRL June VHF K8GP Multi-Op HP

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Wed Jun 20 17:24:28 PDT 2012

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: K8GP
Station: K8GP

Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: FM19bb
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  814   249
    2:  449    74
  222:  116    40
  432:  205    44
  903:   26     9
  1.2:   41    16
  2.3:   24    10
  3.4:   17     7
  5.7:   17     7
Total: 1709   457  Total Score = 1,073,374

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


This was the first Unlimited Multi effort by K8GP from our new FM19bb QTH. We
dedicated our operation to the memory of Grid Pirate captain Gene Zimmerman,
W3ZZ, who became a silent key a week earlier. For 10 years the Grid Pirates did
June and September VHF contests from Spruce Knob, WV with W3ZZ at the 432 MHz
position. For the last 4 years K8GP operated in the Limited-Multi class from
FM19 on Mt. Weather in Bluemont, VA. With the completion of the installation of
our rotatable 137 ft microwave tower we were finally able to enter the M-M class
again. Except for 10 GHz, which had major converter problems and zero QSOs, the
rest of the microwave bands performed very well. 

We had our second highest 6 Meter grid total (249 grids) ever. Sunday produced
a fairly good European opening for us with 38 QSOs in 28 grids, but not as good
as the stations east and north of our QTH experienced. It looks like New England
was the best place to be for this contest.  We worked European stations in
CT,EA,EI,GI,GW,GD,GM,G,F,DL I & PA but none of the countries farther east. We
couldn't even hear the 9A,OE,HA,4O,SM,LA, etc. stations that others to the east
and north of us were hearing and working. E-Skip can be funny that way, as we
all know. In the middle of the EU opening we started to get calls from W6 & 7
land stations. Being able to simultaneously feed 4 stacks facing NE and WSW
allowed us to work both directions. The higher 7 element rotatable 6M yagi
seemed to perform better when  the Italian stations called us. We lost about a
half hour Sunday afternoon due to an on site power outage.

We had good luck working WSJT stations on 6M and 2M with a total of 23 digital
(FSK441 & ISCAT) QSOs. 2 Meters squeezed out three Es QSOs late Sunday
afternoon, working EN16 (W0ZOK), EN18 (W0PHD) and EN19 (VE4MA).

The new FM19bb site seems to be a good one, but we won't ever forget the many
years that we operated from what many call the best VHF/UHF QTH east of the
Mississippi, Spruce Knob, WV. We will miss W3ZZ and stopping at one of his
favorite food stops on the way to Spruce, "Fat Boys Pork Palace" for orders of
pulled pork with a side of beans.  Then later in the day, when the effect of
the beans started, we would hear of Gene complaining about the West Virginia
barking spiders.  RIP Gene, we all miss you!

Rich - K1HTV for the K8GP Grid Pirates

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