[3830] CQWW SSB KL2R (N1TX) SOSB (15) HP

Two Rivers Contest Club kl2r.akradio at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 11:49:01 EDT 2012

Contest         : CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign        : KL2R
Mode            : PHONE
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : Single band (SB) 15 m
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 01
Locator         : BP64KU
Operating time  : 12h02

  160     0   0   0   0       0  0.00
   80     0   0   0   0       0  0.00
   40     0   0   0   0       0  0.00
   20     0   0   0   0       0  0.00
   15   758  29  63   3    1735  2.29
   10     0   0   0   0       0  0.00
TOTAL   758  29  63   3    1735  2.29
        TOTAL SCORE : 159 620

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators       : N1TX
Soapbox         : Extremely limited time available, so I opted for a
single-band entry on 15.  The conditions were remarkably good at times and
difficult at others.  Saturday morning European signals, normally due
north, were skewed east, and oddly enough some of the Caribbean stations
were stronger on the north antenna!  Weird, and the surprises made sure I
never got complacent,

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Larry L. Ledlow, Jr.  KL7/N1TX
Two Rivers Contest Club KL2R

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