[3830] NAQP SSB W4VIC Single Op LP

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Sun Jan 20 11:55:05 EST 2013

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - January

Call: W4VIC
Operator(s): W4VIC
Station: W4VIC

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6 HR

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    2     2
   80:    5     3
   40:   39    24
   20:   56    26
   15:   21     8
   10:   18    13
Total:  141    76  Total Score = 10,716

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club

Team: PVRC Team #1


PRO III, MicroKeyer II, N1MM Logger v. 12.12.4, SteppIR DB-18 @ 50', Inv "V" for
80M @ 30' and inv "L" for 160M at 35'

W4VIC, VIC, VA as an exchange gives much more trouble on SSB than on CW.  Must
be something going on here -- I could speculate but won't!  hi hi  Maybe I,
too, should become an "Ed!" or an "Al!" -- at least on SSB!

Heartwarming to hear the expressions of recognition when making the contest Q! 
Fantastic to hear what some of the old familiar call signs sound like in person
-- N2MM (Carol) comes immediately to mind.  KC0W (Tom) also, and where was
N0NI?  Good to have N4BAA (Jose) back on the bands!  Congrats to the N3A crew. 
Thanks for the Q's, Vic, W4VIC

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