[3830] BARTG Soapbox

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 18 15:11:08 EDT 2014

BARTG Soapbox
built 4-18-2014

Call: 8P2K              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 359,292
Another contest week-end shared with various family duties. Propagation seemed
to be pretty good and the rigs and other equipment held up well. Still
suffering for lack of a real 80m antenna but hopefully that will be fixed
shortly and certainly by next season. Was great to get openings into JA on 10,
15 & 20m and to work VK7KT at the death for a double mult. Great to also
work the usual suspects, many on all 4 or 3 of my active bands. This may also
have been the first WW contest where I worked more EU than NA stations -
including many many more on 10m but that was likely more a reflection of my
available operating time.
          80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    EU       0     25     39     39    103     206    54.4
    NA       0     26     57     32     34     149    39.3
    OC       0      1      0      1      0       2     0.5
    AF       0      1      0      1      1       3     0.8
    SA       0      0      2      2      0       4     1.1
    AS       0      0     10      4      1      15     4.0

Thanks for the many Q's especially from those who had to pull my LP signal out
of the mud.

73, Dean

Call: AA5AU             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 242,970
I hadn't given this contest much thought beforehand. At the last minute I
decided to go single band 10 meters. I was on call at work so knew I probably
wouldn't be able to do a full effort.

The contest starts at 9 PM local time so ten meters was not open. The band
opened early Saturday morning just past sunrise at around 1230Z and was very
good into Europe for a couple hours when my phone rang and I was called into
work around 1500Z which is prime-time Europe for me. I didn't get back until
1830Z but the band was still open to Europe at 1900Z! After Europe went away it
got a little slow so I took a nap in case I got another call for work.

I had just sat down in the chair and to look for JA's in the afternoon when I
got called to work again to the same hospital but on a different problem. So I
missed the bulk of the JA opening Saturday but when I returned, the band was
still open to Asia 'til about 0130Z which is about an hour and half past

The band opened early again Sunday morning, but unfortunately a line of
thunderstorms came barreling through just after sunrise so I had to shut down
for an hour. After that, Sunday's opening on ten was even better than Saturday
despite the SFI being only 140. It's funny that we've seen higher SFI numbers
lately but poorer conditions on ten than what we experienced this weekend. Once
the weather cleared, ten was fantastic Sunday and a lot of fun. I didn't get
called into work so I was able to spend the whole day at the radio. The runs
into Europe were great and in the afternoon, the runs into Japan were the best
I can remember despite it being Monday morning there.

I kept eyeing the USA record for 10 meters and I think I may have had a chance
had I not missed 5.5 hours of prime operating on Saturday and the hour for
weather on Sunday. It would have been close - maybe next year! I still think
it's a decent score for part-time.

The highlight of the weekend was snagging 4S7DFG on 10 CW and 4S7FRG on 12 CW
late Sunday morning for new band countries.

73, Don AA5AU

Icom IC-756 PRO III
Ameritron AL-80B amplifier 400 watts
3-element SteppIR @ 45'
2-element SteppIR @ 35'

Call: AA8R              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 121,500
Part time effort.  Other Family commitments. Thanks for the Q's.

Equip:  K3, ICOM PW-1, Mosley PRO-67B, N1MM.

Randy, AA8R

Call: AB1J              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 532,494
This is a second tier contest that should be right up there with the big RTTY
events, but isn't.  What it has going for it are the Expert/48/30/6 categories,
lots of mults and being at the March equinox.  On the other hand, it is
remarkably user-unfriendly with the 5 minute rule, the 3 hour off minimum, no
low power category  and conflict with the RUDX.  Plus BARTG could drop the 599,
as they do with their Sprint.  This is a contest with a lot of potential if the
sponsors wanted to bump it up a notch or three.

Usually I go light on this contest, but this time I had some station testing to
do and my other weekend plans fell through, so I used up my whole SOAB 30 hours,
although it was more like 22 hours before being inflated by the 3 hour off

My main concern had to do with running a RCKskimmer in very close quarters.
After previously trying some other schemes, I put a splitter in the RX antenna
loop on my FT-2K, dividing the signal between the FT-2K and the skimmer TS940S.
 Each signal is down about 3.6 dB, 3 dB due to the split and 0.6 dB from
insertion loss.  Most of the time I didn't miss the 3.6 dB, but if I needed it
back I could just pop the RX antenna button OFF to send all the signal to the
FT-2K. I did that maybe 8 times in the contest.  Overall this worked well and
is the best method I've come up with yet.  It's still a compromise situation.
I think for some contests I might locate the skimmer station elsewhere and
Telnet it back to my QTH.

One guy refused to work me.  We had a previous busted QSO (from my POV) due to
QRM and when I tried again later he completely ignored me.  A similar thing
happened to me in the WPX-RTTY last month.  I wish word would go forth to all
nations and peoples that dupes don't hurt you in the computer age.  Often they
save you points.

Another guy worked me but NILed me out of his log because I wasn't sending my
exchange in the correct (according to him) format (Me: 599-123-1234  123-1234
had a macro for this, which means he was locked and loaded and just waiting for
miscreants like me to cross his path.  Then BAM! he got me right between the
eyes.  I guess I made his day but didn't know whether to laugh or cry so I

With the 2 element exchange, I made heavy use of the three decoding windows. On
rare occasions I grabbed the call from one, serial from another and time from
the third.  This amused me for some reason.  I noticed lots of requests for

The bands were good, but 40 had a lot of distortion Friday night.  This is
fairly common at my QTH in the evening.  I fight back with 2Tone set to Flutter
and using a wider MMTTY profile based on the Fluttered/Multipath profiles (these
are essentially the same under the hood) plus a lot of AGN AGN?.  I slept during
the night but wish I had stayed up to catch the late night 20m deep Russians in
this contest or the RUDX.

Thanks for the Qs.  I had a good time in spite of myself.  For me the next RTTY
big one is the WW in September.  Exciting times await.

Ken, AB1J

20-10 attic dipoles and outdoor stealth 40m coaxial dipole

Call: AC2FA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 54,120
K2 @ 80 watts. N1MM/FLDIGI
Good contest, I wish I had more serious time in the chair.
Thanks W2DXE for the multiple contacts.


Call: AE7DW             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 157,500
TX: FT897 @ 100w
ANT: JTV680 @ ~ 25' (rooftop)

Call: AF6GA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 119,892
This was a slow one for me, with a lot of time digging out print.  More bad than
usual and unfortunately a couple of dupes - sorry :/ Got distracted saturday
afternoon by checking out the RU DX contest looking for new ones.

EU was good saturday morning and maybe for the first time worked more DX thank
US, but perhaps that was the nature of the BARTG contest - first time for me.

Thanks for the QSOs...


K3/P3 - AT2k - 68ft doublet sloper @ 40ft
N1MM & 2Tone

Call: EA8OMN            Class: SO Expert LP             Total Score = 678,960
my GPA-50 (vert) is down, used a 40m dipole for all bands
turned on by good conditions

Call: F1IWH             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 273,360
For the fun.
Rig TS450S - PWR max 100W - Ant doublet 2x20m - delta-loop 40m long 9m up - 3
el yagi TH3JR 5m up.
Thank all for QSO.
73 de Dan.

Call: F5RD              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 253,080
Transceiver - IC751AF 80 Watts.
Antennas - Center-fed 2x20m on 80 to 10m, Ground Plane on 20/15/10m, 2 el HB9CV
on 10m.
Software - N1MM Logger V14.03.00.
A good contest but less good than the last year.
because I had to stop sunday morning at 10:00 TU.
The propagation was good on all bands and I contacted the six continents.
Thanks to all who worked me.
See you again next year.
F5RD Bernard

Call: GM0FGI            Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 322,560
Very little time due to visitors, conditions on 15m excellent.
Thanks for all contacts and to organisers

Equipment: Icom 7600 ACOM 1010 300 watts max. Hexbeam fixed at 2m (temporary)
40m quarter wave vertical and 80m full wave loop at 30ft.

Call: GU0SUP            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 466,464
Amazing conditions on the higher bands, as reflected in my totals.
Had some fun, and had a good run to JA on 10m on Sunday morning.
Thanks to all for the points!

73 de Phil GU0SUP

Call: K4GMH             Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 2,350,800
Thanks BARTG for another FB Contest.  Thanks to all for the Qs.  Appreciated.

Bands were good.  The upper bands were exceptionally good throughout the

Had lousy time management this weekend.  Didn't come near 30 hours of

2 Tone V14.02a did very well over the weekend.  Only had one instance of 2 Tone

locking up while transmitting.  The other copy of 2 Tone used by the second
radio did not lock up throughout the Contest.  The contest S/W, including both
copies of MMTTY and 2 Tone, was left on for the full 48 hours of the Contest.

Call: K9NR              Class: SO Expert LP             Total Score = 1,502,820
I planned on a full 30 hours but things got in the way.  Still, my best score to
date in this contest.  I thought the Russian DX Contest might have gobbled up
operators that might other wise have been operating RTTY.  Both good contests.
Thanks for all the Q's
73, Don Kerouac K9NR

Call: KD8IGK            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 6,650
Did not have much time to operate, but this was my first BARTG contest so I
learned a lot, Thanks for all the QSO's.

Call: KD9MS             Class: SOAB-6 LP                Total Score = 142,380
Wanted to work more in the contest, but my son got strep throat and I had to get
medicine for him and then watch him most of the weekend. Bands were good, but
not as good as earlier in the week. Still with all the interruptions it was

Craig KD9MS

Call: KE8M              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 507,346
BARTGSRTTY Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2014-03-14

    CallSign Used : KE8M
      Operator(s) : KE8M

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : RTTY
 Default Exchange : 001
       Gridsquare : EN81RQ

     ARRL Section : OH
        Club/Team : None
         Software : N1MM Logger V14.1.1

        Band    QSOs    Pts  DXC   Are   Con
         3.5       6      6    4    4    1
           7      38      38   15    5    1
          14      37      37   27    3    1
          21     142     142   40   12    3
          28     211     211   47   10    1
       Total     434     434  133   34    7

            Score : 507,346

Rig : Kenwood TS 2000 + Ameritron ALS-600 @ 250-350 watts
      N1MM + MMVARI
Antennas : 10M - Hy Gain LJ 105CA @ 45 ft
           15M - Hy Gain LJ 155CA @ 42 ft
           20M - Dipole  @ 40 ft
           40M - full size ground plane @ 25 ft
           40M - vertical quad loop fed horizontal 10 ft above ground NE-SW
           80M - full size ground plane 120 radials

Call: KN3A              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 107,892
Fun contest. Got some good learning experience using RTTY with the new rig. Sure
spoiled by the good 10 meter band conditions. I know the end will be sooner than
we know it.

73 Scott
N1MM Logger
Kenwood TS 590s
Inverted L/Inv V
100 watts

Call: KV4QS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 140,220
K3/N1MM/2Tone/MMTTY/Hex Beam/40 and 80m Delta Loops
I think between the band change restrictions and bad prints I'm going to have a
fairly high overall error rate in this one.

Fun contest with an interesting exchange.

Propagation on 10 through 80m wasn't that great all weekend.  40 and 80 where
very bad on Saturday night.

Thanks for the Qs!


Call: KX7L              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 115,995
Things seemed kinda slow on Saturday, but were pretty busy by Sunday afternoon.
Nice to see 10 open to Europe from the NW - just wish there were more stations
to work.

Call: LY10NATO          Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 486,072
Lithuania 10 years in NATO celebration special call 1-31 March 2014.
Free time operation. Not controled how much I can work, so over 30 hours must
be Multi OP.
QSL via LY5W.
73, Sam

Call: N1JM/7            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 7,216
K3 P3 14avq
No time. An hour or so here and there, off and on.

Call: N2FF              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 53,865
I started out on 10 meters Saturday morning and figured I might stay there until
the band died. We it just kept on going late into the afternoon.W When I went to
15 and then 20 I realized that I had a problem with the antenna switch.  In
effect I had only a ten meter antenna. We had 60 MPH guts a few days ago and I
suspect that the gusts damaged the control cable except for the 10 meter one.

I managed to log some time watching college basketball when i ran out of
stations to work

Thanks to all those who copied my 100 watts into A 4 EL QUAD 35 feet..

Call: N6RO              Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 30,740
Couldn't get on until late Sunday afternoon, but had a good rate as "fresh

I would have done a couple more hours but for the 3 hour break rule. 30 minutes
is generally accepted in other contests. Suggest an SOE6 category for those of
us who like sprint durations, or otherwise can't put in full time.

I don't see the logic in the exchange:
599 - meaningless in computer sent messages
TIME - redundant, as Cabrillo format automatically lists time.
How about something meaningful, like NAME, STATE, SHOESIZE, etc...

The contesting announcement says something like:
".....if you don't like the rules, don't participate"
Probably won't next time....

Call: N7NM              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,498,068
Strong conditions to EU till late afternoon on 15 - incredible.
2 ele Steppir at 20ft made a huge difference over my normal vertical
Thanks to all for working me,
73, Doug - N7NM

FT-1000mp / KW
43 ft vertical
2 ele Steppir

Call: N7TEW             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 301,344
Casual Search Pounce from a little pistol station.

Call: NA2M              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 454,080
RIG: Elecraft K3/KPA500 400W
ANT: Franklin (80)
     160M Inverted "L" (40)
     R5 Vertical (20-15-10)
Condx rather poor

Call: NN6XX             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 551,178

Call: NO2T              Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 888,396
Thanks for all those who worked me. Can't wait till the weather warms up enough
to allow me to work on the antennas. Used an 80 meter dipole for 10 meters, and
a Hex beam at 15 feet height for 20 meters. Still enjoyed  myself a lot.

Call: NX8G/5            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 420,180
Operated from my winter home in Franklinton, Louisiana.

Call: PG6G              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 2,163,840
We were actually in Multi/TWO and focus was on the higher bands.
Nice runs into JA and NA, the lower bands being a bit quite on RTTY.

73, Rob/PA3GVI (PG6G team)

Call: S50P              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 200,790
That was my first remote RTTY contest.
Remote setup was working fine, but there are still improvements i can see.

-Arduino based antenna controler
-Microham USB3

Call: SP4LVK/QRP        Class: SOSB/15 QRP              Total Score = 25,545
RIG:FT-950 PWR:5(QRP) ANT:2el Delta Loop

Call: VA2UP             Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 3,815,784
Wasn't feeling good at all friday but 2 things contests can do are open the
bands and make you feel better! Got some sleep friday night and saturday
morning interesting conditions on 10 and 15 kept me going. I was getting good
rates and I was finding all kinds of mults for a change. I thought to myself,
ok forget you're sick and get on with it here's a chance to the world record.
>From that moment on I knew I wouldn't rest until the goal was met. I tried to
manage time on as well as I could but propagation did most of the job. We have
such bad propagation here that when we get it we better capitalize on it. So
lucky me it seems like this could be a new record wow, unless John SKA
scratches off 1 million points after correction ha ha! Hope not!
Thanks all for the fun and Bartg for holding the contest.
Nope, no gripes from me this time ha ha!
73 Fabi va2up

Call: VA7ST             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,020,978
* FT2000 + SB221
* N1MM Logger + MMTTY
* 3-element Steppir at 27'
* 40M -- 2-el. quad in trees and Steppir dipole at 27'
* 80M -- triangle of verticals

2014 -- SFI = 136 | A = 3 | K = 0
2013 -- SFI = 126 | A = 20 > 40 | K = 2 > 5

Officially put in 30 hours but more like 24 hours as I was a little too casual
and there were lots of one- or two-hour breaks along the way. Had a good time
-- high bands were very strong on Saturday and pretty good Sunday. The
exception was 20M which I mostly skipped on Saturday and found disappointing
when I did spend time on 20M on Sunday.

Left the yagi at 27 feet AGL as it was breezy at times over the weekend. That
can hurt me on the European path unless conditions are truly wide open at they
were on 15M(then it doesn't seem to matter quite as much). Missed any VK
activity if there was any -- sure could have used the mults.

Was also disappointed in 40M in the hours I was on as Europe wasn't pounding in
as it has lately, and there was no grand opening to JA other than some sporadic
activity for a few mults before daybreak on Sunday.

First time breaking through 1M in this contest. I see VE7SZ and VA7KO had
really great weekends -- good going guys!

Thanks to BARTG for the contest, and to all for the contacts.

-- Bud VA7ST

Year-over-year comparison:

      QSOs  DX  Areas   Conts   Points
2014   777 125     94       6 1,020,978 HP 24 hrs
2013   303  31     58       6   161,268 HP 21 hrs
2012   518  48     74       5   315,980 HP 24 hrs
2011   773  90     73       6   755,994 HP 24 hrs
2010   637  84     70       6   588,588 HP
2009   352  37     46       6   177,408 HP
2008   705  63     57       6   501,840 HP
2007   432  55     47       6   264,384 HP
2006   328  26     49       6   147,600 LP
2004   293  46     67       5   164,980 LP
2003   155  26     36       5    50,375 LP

Call: VE4VT             Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 75,888
Just too busy to participate this year. Unfortunately conditions seemed
reasonable considering the last two years have been plagued by horrible band
conditions. Hopefully next year.

Call: W0LSD             Class: SOAB-6 HP                Total Score = 174,000
Conditions seemed OK, but not great. I haven't operated this contest for several
years, did it seem like participation was down? Had to maximize 6 hours and
chose 10,15 and 20. Cannot believe I missed Oceania for 6th continent. First
time ever doing the 6 hour with one radio since there was a 5 minute band rule.
Not sure I managed the time and band selection properly. With SO2R you don't
worry as much about time management as you are usually on 2 bands all the time.
Thanks to all for the Qs. Now it is time to tear down and reconfigure/network
the station with WIN 7 computers.

Call: W0RAA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 152,190
Yaesu FT-950 (100W)
Cushcraft A3S @34'

Call: W3FIZ             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,834,728
Hope everyone had as much fun as I did. Bands were in good shape. Sunday I
thought was better than Saturday. Anyway see ya all next year 73's and good DX

                                   Pat W3FiZ

Call: W3MF              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 818,400
Thanks to the sponsors for this wonderful contest.

Call: W3RTY             Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 58,565
20 mtrs somewhat dead Sat into Sun. Shuda been on 10 or 15 I guess.

Call: W4DXX             Class: SO Expert HP             Total Score = 744,660
Just part time fun.
Heavy Rain & Lightning on Sunday.  Diddled right through it.
10 & 15 were ok. Enjoyed a few long path Q's and HS0ZLU at noon on 10m.
Tnx for the RTTY Q's.

Eric / W4DXX

Call: W4IOU             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 74,675
Another casual effort...an enjoyable way to relax after a tough week at work!
Equipment is a Kenwood TS-570DG running 100 watts to a GAP Titan vertical on
10/15/20 m and dipoles at 35 ft on 40/80 m. I started RTTY contesting in
January 2013 and I am having a fun time.

Call: W4PK              Class: SOAB-6 HP                Total Score = 242,352
I had a lot of commitments this weekend so I elected to do SOAB-6.  The 5-minute
rule prohibited me from using SO2R, but to tell the truth I didn't really miss

Conditions were super on both 10 and 15 Saturday morning with lots of long-path
to Asia much earlier in the day than one would expect.

I spent almost 4 hours on Saturday morning and the remaining 2 hours late in
the day on Sunday.   But conditions on Sunday was just so-so on 15 & 20 and
poor on 40.

I had just installed version 3.0 firmware for my IC7800.  This allows me to
actually automatically reset my RIT to zero after logging an
"off-frequency" caller!  Before, I would often forget to manually
reset it to zero after logging a station while I was running.  N1MM also reads
the RIT setting of the radio and displays it at the top of the band-map.  My
other radio is a K3 and of course it already has this feature.

73, Sam W4PK

Call: W4SDJ             Class: SOAB-6 HP                Total Score = 59,040
Enjoyed the contest SOAB6 on Saturday afternoon Eastern Daylight Time.

Call: W5EW              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 482,304
Thanks for the contacts.
Ray W5EW

Call: W6SFK             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 22,896
Ran a couple hours to start then busy rest of weekend.


Call: W6SX              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 354,720
K3, ACOM 2000A, wire antenna at 46 feet with Matchboxes, MMTTY and 2-Tone, N1MM.

Call: W7RTX             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 66,990
First contest from new location in Arizona DM33qu.
ICOM7600 G5RV operated 19 hours 40 mins.

Call: W7ZF              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 859,140
AL7L flew in from Juneau, AK and K7AYZ trained it up from Vancouver, WA to staff
the multi-operator single-transmitter effort. Good time was had by all, despite
spotty propagation. Highlight was working ZS on 40 meters Saturday night.

Call: WA8HSB            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 15,400
Thanks for the Qs... 73, John

Call: WA8RPK            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 167,736
ok I usually don't fill this out, but going to try.  going old , but not as old
as some, but the health problems are getting to me at times, canork as long on
the bands as I used to do,being on dialysis three days a week for life makes me
run dn now days, so I do the best I can, hpe all did ok and had a good score.
  best to all and tnx to all who gave me a call

tnx 73 Tom wa8rpk agn 73

Call: WB2RHM/4          Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,066,896
SO1R! Thank you, BARTG, for having a fun contest each year.

Despite freezing rain, my fiber-glass tubing encased SteppIR at 32', over top
of my roof, worked fine right through the 2+ inches of precipitation we had in
Charlotte, NC during the contest time period.
During the 29.5 hours that I either called them or they called me, I worked:
total, I worked 35 JAs in a row, during the 2300Z to 0030Z time, when I
finished my best BARTG effort.
Thanks again BARTG, and all the world-wide operators who took time to
call/answer my calls. And especially thank you to all the Ukraine stations, who
risked a lot to send out their free signals to the world during their time of
troubles (I wish them all well, and safety.). 73,  Ben - WB2RHM

Call: WN6K              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,024,194
One of the things I keep my eye constantly on in this contest is the mult sheet
- particularly the Call Areas Section. Those are the 'easy' ones and really do
pay big dividends towards the end.  DX was fair on Saturday but really poor on

The activity slows down a lot I think on Sunday mainly because of the
format/class choices in that they offer 6hour classes (3 of them) so that
regionally I guess you can focus just on open times a band in your area. So for
those that choose to go Full Monty, slugging it out for the full 30 hours, it
really becomes a job on the second day.

I could see 1M points just over the horizon on late Sunday but there were times
when changing bands etc. just could not produce any action. (Primarily a CQer at
that point as a band sweep would result in no new stations that I had not
already worked.  I was hoping to do a 1K plus QSO total but that requires a
rate that just wasn't there here.

Of the 40 JA mults (40m-10m) I only missed 6 & of the 50 USA mults
(80m-10m) I missed 5. 80m was very noisy and thus not too pleasant to dwell

The DXCCs count was 52 with most of the activity coming from EU/JA outside of
the USA. One of the Call Area Mult counters is from VK and I heard not ONE of
them - this is like the 3rd year in a row - perhaps BARTG should think about
replacing them with someone else - ZL perhaps?

Lost only a couple of 'usable' hours with a Granddaughter's T-Ball
"game" attendance but the sunshine and laughter were good for the

WN6K, Paul

Call: WU6W/7            Class: SOAB-6 HP                Total Score = 41,625
Wire in trees
YP-3 Portable beam at 8 feet

Fun and Conditions seemed not bad considering antenna challenge.

Index of Calls
Call: 8P2K              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AA4YL             Class: M/S HP
Call: AA5AU             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: AA8R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AB1J              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AB1QB             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: AC2FA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AD5XD             Class: SO Expert LP
Call: AE4Y              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AE7DW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AF6GA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AL1G              Class: SOAB-6 LP
Call: CE4SFG            Class: SOAB LP
Call: DF2SD             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DL1ZBO            Class: SOAB LP
Call: EA8OMN            Class: SO Expert LP
Call: F1IWH             Class: SOAB LP
Call: F5RD              Class: SOAB LP
Call: G2F               Class: SO Expert HP
Call: GM0FGI            Class: SO Expert HP
Call: GU0SUP            Class: SOAB LP
Call: IW1QN             Class: M/S HP
Call: K0KX              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1SM              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K2NV              Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: K2QB              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2SI              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K3MD              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4GMH             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: K4HAL             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6DGW             Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: K8GT              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K9NR              Class: SO Expert LP
Call: KA2KON/1          Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: KA9MOM            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KB3LIX            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KC2WUF            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KD0FW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: KD8IGK            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KD9MS             Class: SOAB-6 LP
Call: KE8M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KH6ZM             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: KN3A              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KV4QS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KX7L              Class: SOAB LP
Call: LU1BJW            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: LY10NATO          Class: M/S LP
Call: LY2SA             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: LY6A              Class: SO Expert HP
Call: N1IXF             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N1JM/7            Class: SOAB LP
Call: N2BJ/9            Class: M/S HP
Call: N2FF              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: N2NF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N2NS/6            Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: N4QX              Class: SOAB-6 QRP
Call: N6RO              Class: SO Expert HP
Call: N7NM              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N7TEW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N8FYL             Class: SOAB-6 LP
Call: NA2M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NA2U              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: NG6S              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: NN6XX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: NO2T              Class: SO Expert HP
Call: NT4TS             Class: SOAB HP
Call: NX8G/5            Class: SOAB LP
Call: OH8A              Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: PG6G              Class: M/M HP
Call: S50P              Class: SOAB LP
Call: S51MA             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: SP4LVK/QRP        Class: SOSB/15 QRP
Call: TF3PPN            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VA2UP             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: VA7KO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VA7ST             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE2NMB            Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE3AJ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3VSM            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3XAT            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE4VT             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: VE7BC             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE7CYU            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE7IO             Class: M/M HP
Call: VE7SZ             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W0LSD             Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: W0RAA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W2DXE             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W2YC              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3BUI             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W3FIZ             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3FV              Class: SO Expert HP
Call: W3MF              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3RTY             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: W4DXX             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: W4GKM             Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: W4IOU             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4PK              Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: W4SDJ             Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: W4UK              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W5EW              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W5JBO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W6SFK             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W6SX              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W7RTX             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W7WW              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: W7ZF              Class: M/S HP
Call: W9ILY             Class: SO Expert HP
Call: WA1DRQ            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WA8HSB            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: WA8RPK            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WB2RHM/4          Class: SOAB HP
Call: WN6K              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WT9U              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WU6W/7            Class: SOAB-6 HP
Call: WU9D              Class: SOAB LP

Index of Calls organized by Class

Class: M/M HP
         Call: PG6G
         Call: VE7IO

Class: M/S HP
         Call: AA4YL
         Call: IW1QN
         Call: N2BJ/9
         Call: W7ZF

Class: M/S LP
         Call: LY10NATO

Class: SO Expert HP
         Call: AB1QB
         Call: G2F
         Call: GM0FGI
         Call: K4GMH
         Call: KH6ZM
         Call: LY6A
         Call: N6RO
         Call: NO2T
         Call: VA2UP
         Call: VE4VT
         Call: W3FV
         Call: W4DXX
         Call: W9ILY

Class: SO Expert LP
         Call: AD5XD
         Call: EA8OMN
         Call: K9NR

Class: SOAB HP
         Call: AA8R
         Call: K0KX
         Call: K1SM
         Call: K3MD
         Call: K4HAL
         Call: KD0FW
         Call: KE8M
         Call: N7NM
         Call: NA2M
         Call: NN6XX
         Call: NT4TS
         Call: VA7KO
         Call: VA7ST
         Call: VE2NMB
         Call: VE7SZ
         Call: W2YC
         Call: W3FIZ
         Call: W3MF
         Call: W4UK
         Call: W5JBO
         Call: W6SFK
         Call: W6SX
         Call: WA1DRQ
         Call: WA8RPK
         Call: WB2RHM/4
         Call: WT9U

Class: SOAB LP
         Call: 8P2K
         Call: AB1J
         Call: AC2FA
         Call: AE4Y
         Call: AE7DW
         Call: AF6GA
         Call: CE4SFG
         Call: DF2SD
         Call: DL1ZBO
         Call: F1IWH
         Call: F5RD
         Call: GU0SUP
         Call: K2QB
         Call: K2SI
         Call: K8GT
         Call: KA9MOM
         Call: KB3LIX
         Call: KC2WUF
         Call: KD8IGK
         Call: KN3A
         Call: KV4QS
         Call: KX7L
         Call: N1IXF
         Call: N1JM/7
         Call: N2NF
         Call: N7TEW
         Call: NX8G/5
         Call: S50P
         Call: TF3PPN
         Call: VE3AJ
         Call: VE3VSM
         Call: VE3XAT
         Call: VE7BC
         Call: VE7CYU
         Call: W0RAA
         Call: W2DXE
         Call: W3BUI
         Call: W4IOU
         Call: W5EW
         Call: W7RTX
         Call: WN6K
         Call: WU9D

         Call: WA8HSB

Class: SOAB-6 HP
         Call: K2NV
         Call: K6DGW
         Call: KA2KON/1
         Call: OH8A
         Call: W0LSD
         Call: W4GKM
         Call: W4PK
         Call: W4SDJ
         Call: WU6W/7

Class: SOAB-6 LP
         Call: AL1G
         Call: KD9MS
         Call: N8FYL

Class: SOAB-6 QRP
         Call: N4QX

Class: SOSB/10 HP
         Call: AA5AU
         Call: LU1BJW
         Call: S51MA

Class: SOSB/10 LP
         Call: N2FF

Class: SOSB/15 HP
         Call: N2NS/6
         Call: NA2U
         Call: NG6S
         Call: W7WW

Class: SOSB/15 QRP
         Call: SP4LVK/QRP

Class: SOSB/20 HP
         Call: W3RTY

Class: SOSB/80 HP
         Call: LY2SA

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