[3830] LaQP Soapbox
Michael Dinkelman
mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 18 15:12:09 EDT 2014
LaQP Soapbox
built 4-18-2014
Call: AA5AU Class: SO CW/Dig LP Total Score = 11,564
My first ever Louisiana QSO Party. I like the new dates. Didn't have much time
for this one, but it was fun. I was surprised at the big pileup on 20M CW but
had to QRT for dinner with an hour to go. Hope to put in more time next year!
73, Don AA5AU
Call: IK1HJS Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 1
Call: K4BAI Class: SO CW/Dig HP Total Score = 158
FT1000MP, Alpha 78, 1 KW, zepp, inverted vee. Limited time this year. Thanks to
NO5W/M for one of my needed all time parishes. Thanks for all QSOs. Congrats
to the great mobiles. 73, John, K4BAI.
Call: KE0G Class: SO CW/Dig QRP Total Score = 3,100
K1 at 5 watts to a 25' top-fed sloper, starting at 28' high, sloping down to
about 15' high, and tuned with a Johnson Matchbox tuner. Thanks for the Party
! I enjoyed chasing w5wmu, no5w, n5na around LA on their mobiles. Big Sig all
day was w5la on 20M. C U all next time. 73, Dan , ke0g
Call: KN4Y Class: SO CW/Dig LP Total Score = 5,980
It was our first warm summer like day, I took a break and looked out the shack
window and I saw my neighbor lying in her yard chair, naked, absorbing the
sun's warming rays, I was in the shack adsorbing CW signals.
Call: N5NA Class: RoverCW-Dig LP Total Score = 550,420
The above score includes 1200 bonus points for activating 24 parishes and 100
bonus points for working N5LCC.
Congratulations to the Louisiana Contest Club for their first year hosting the
LAQP! The LAQP has a bright future under their leadership!
I've operated mobile several years in the LAQP and this year is the best score
I've ever made. Band conditions were very good with good signals from Europe
on 15m. I'm always amazed by the DX I'm able to work mobile. I was even able
to work OM2VL on 80m although he had a tough time copying my signal.
We made a few unscheduled stops and wrong turns in the morning putting us about
an hour behind where Streets & Trips said we should be by lunch. Then in
Jonesville in Catahoula parish we encountered a "checkpoint" in which
the local PD was stopping everyone wanting to check license and insurance. I've
never seen THAT before. We waited in line at least 20 min for our turn. Even
with the delays we made it to our last parish, Caddo, in plenty of time at
Murphy usually doesn't ride along on my QSO party adventures but this time when
I tried to move to 80m I found the SWR on my Scorpion would only drop to about
16:1. It's always worked great on 80m. So back to 40 & 20. Later I
decided to just use the tuner in the K3 to tune the Scorpion on 80m then
discovered the tuner was already turned on. Once I put the tuner in bypass the
Scorpion tuned perfectly! Take that Murphy!
Thanks to the following stations for contributing more than half the QSO's:
WA6KHK(34), OM2VL(31), KQ3F(28), DL3GA(27), DL5ME(27), YV5OIE(26), WA2VYA(24),
K2DSW(23), K8MFO(21), K0DEQ(20), LY5A(20), DL6KVA(17), K4BSK(16), W3BBO(16),
KN4Y(15), OH6NIO(15), N3KR(14), HA8IB(14), KI0Y(14), KE0G(13), KI0I(13),
K0HNC(12), DL8MLD(12), W8KTQ(11), K0PVW(11), W0GXQ(11), and VE7CV(10).
Equipment: K3, Scorpion SA-680, Dell D630, CQ/X Logging Software, and Chevrolet
Thanks to everyone who called and thanks to my wife, K5AKS, for a long day
Call: OM2VL Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 34,840
First time on LA QP. Unfortunatelly on the begenning of the contest I don't copy
NO5W and missed many counties. Thank you very much for the nice contacts and new
WKD total 39 different cty.
Most QSO's:
W5WMU 44/15 (QSO/CTY)
N5NA 30/19
NO5W 11/11
Score included 100 BONUS point.
73 Laci OM2VL
Call: W1END Class: SO CW/Dig LP Total Score = 1,848
Many of my QSOs were with W5WMU. I guess there were more mobiles but they
slipped by my ears. Thanks to everyone for a good time.
FTdx5000 and Butternut vertical.
Eldon - W1END
Index of Calls
Call: AA5AU Class: SO CW/Dig LP
Call: IK1HJS Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: K4BAI Class: SO CW/Dig HP
Call: KE0G Class: SO CW/Dig QRP
Call: KJ4LTA Class: SO SSB LP
Call: KN4Y Class: SO CW/Dig LP
Call: KS4X Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: N2BJ Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: N4UC Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: N5NA Class: RoverCW-Dig LP
Call: ND4X Class: SO CW/Dig LP
Call: OM2VL Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: W1END Class: SO CW/Dig LP
Call: W7GF Class: SO CW/Dig LP
Call: W8KTQ Class: SO CW/Dig QRP
Index of Calls organized by Class
Class: RoverCW-Dig LP
Call: N5NA
Class: SO CW/Dig HP
Call: K4BAI
Class: SO CW/Dig LP
Call: AA5AU
Call: KN4Y
Call: ND4X
Call: W1END
Call: W7GF
Class: SO CW/Dig QRP
Call: KE0G
Call: W8KTQ
Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: IK1HJS
Call: N2BJ
Call: OM2VL
Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: KS4X
Call: N4UC
Class: SO SSB LP
Call: KJ4LTA
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