[3830] CQWW CW N4WW M/M HP
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Mon Dec 1 11:36:50 EST 2014
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: N4WW
Operator(s): N4WW K0LUZ E73M N4EEB K3SV K5AUP WF3C
Station: N4WW
Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 148 16 70
80: 596 31 109
40: 1603 39 131
20: 2071 39 143
15: 1853 38 145
10: 1431 34 125
Total: 7702 197 723 Total Score = 19,818,640
Club: Florida Contest Group
I wanted to dedicate this year's results to W4FDA who always had an encouraging
word by email when we sent in a contest score. He passed away a week before the
contest that he loved to operate. I didnt know Pres all that well but he loved
ham radio and always had a big signal particularly on 20 meters where he had a
mono bander and tower around 100 feet. RIP OM I think he was around 93 years
This year was a great contest and terrific conditions. Our goal was to have fun
and enjoy the good prop while it lasts with a bare bones crew of one op for the
6 bands with our super organizer wf3c doing only part time with a sick family
to support. n4ww-160 k5aup-80 k3sv-40 t93m/n4exa-20 k0luz-15 n4eeb-10. Great
bunch of guys and ops.
As always the continual improvements of my friend and antenna man Dennis w4dii
pays off with new antennas on 80,40,20,15,10. All the ops love the long boom
antennas on separate towers and hardly use the short boom stacked arrays. I
guess computer antennas do work. I personally thought computer engineered OWA
antennas were mostly witchcraft. I guess I am wrong.
73 de Doc/Austin......Chris will add his comments.
I was tending to a sick family, so the team's N1MM guru was absent for all but
about 10 of the 48 hours. Of course, we had many computer problems, most
related to packet spot volume, and almost all while i was gone. We soldiered on
as best we could.
We started having RF problems on 20m on Sunday afternoon with the 6 element
OWA, so we were relegated to the stack for the remainder of the contest. That's
a first for me from N4WW's station. We will run that down In due course.
However, as Austin said, it was great to have excellent conditions on all six
bands during the contest, and we're pleased with our score.
160m - FT5000 & Emtron; 2 element vertical array & beverages
80m - IC765 & Alpha 77; 4-square or 2 element M2 yagi @ 125'
40m - FT1000D & LK800A; 4 element M2 yagi @ 140'
20m - K3 & Alpha 77; 4/4/4 @ 150' or 6 element OWA @ 120'
15m - K3 & Alpha 76a (2 x 3cx800); 5/5/5 @ 100' or 6 element OWA @ 130'
10m - FT5000 & Alpha 76a (3 x 8874); 6/6/6 @ 100' or 7 element OWA @ 90'
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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