[3830] Rus DX LX9DX(DL3BPC) SO CW HP

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Sun Mar 20 14:12:29 EDT 2016

Russian DX Contest

Call: LX9DX
Operator(s): DL3BPC
Station: LX7I

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19:45h

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:   117    0        34        33
   80:   306    0        53        47
   40:   592    0        63        57
   20:   635    0        65        65
   15:   192    0        46        48
   10:    31    0        10         8
Total:  1873    0       271       258  Total Score = 6,058,637

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


Philippe LX2A and I decided to share the station, where LX2A operated LX7I in
SSB and DL3BPC operated LX9DX in CW for two independent SOAB HP entries.

Regarding the choice of band LX7I became priority over LX9DX.
As a result LX9DX had to adopt a different strategy to maximize points in the
limited time window available for a favourable band.
All went very well and we both had lots of fun.

Nice to work the many good Russian CW operators.

High band propagation was rather poor this weekend. Hope this improves a bit
next weekend when I plan to operate DU3BC in the WPX SSB.

73 Ron

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