[3830] NAQP CW AB1J Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 6 20:30:09 EDT 2017

North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: AB1J
Operator(s): AB1J
Station: AB1J

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Waltham MA
Operating Time (hrs): 8

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   26    14
   40:  111    34
   20:  128    36
   15:    6     3
Total:  271    87  Total Score = 23,577

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club



This was an unintentional contest. I didn't even warn my wife about it, but
nothing else of consequence was going on so I stopped in for a while, which
turned out to be 8 hours.  I guess I needed a serious radio fix, especially
with so little going on during the week.

Now that the sunspot count is dropping, overall HF activity has fallen off
greatly.  I know a lot of folks are doing the digital thing, especially on the
nifty new FT8 mode.  There's always activity to be found there and on JT65. 
But activity on the traditional modes, CW, SSB and RTTY, is minimal except on
contest weekends.

This morning I took a look on PSKReporter and noted the number of digital
reporting stations:

FT8   485
JT65  471
PSK   114
JT9    20

That's today, but you can see the future.

I like these modes and was very active for five years on JT65 but don't have
the ambition to start over again on FT8.  I kind of wish I was just discovering
the WSJT modes now and then I'd go crazy on FT8.  It seems to me that FT8 has
contest possibilities.  Contests could be scheduled on weekends when there are
vacant RTTY frequencies using the "fast QSO" technique described
under V53DX on qrz.com.  On FT8 a running station could have a new QSO started
every 30 seconds (with 15 second overlaps). 

On the weekends there's often some good traditional contest going on if I want
something fast and furious to get involved in.  Like the NAQP-CW this weekend. 
I wanted to get some running experience and called CQ a lot with little success.
 17% of my QSOs were from me running.  Small signal = dinky results.

But it was fun.  Thanks for the QSOs.  The fall contest season is rapidly
coming up.  Get ready.

Ken, AB1J

Flex 6500
N1MM+ with CWGet (backup for my increasingly slow response times)
20-10 attic dipoles
Outside stealth wire used on 20, 40 and 80m.

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