webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jul 14 15:05:59 EDT 2019

                    IARU HF World Championship - 2019

Call: OL8K
Operator(s): OK1GTH
Station: OK1GTH

QTH: Pilsen
Operating Time (hrs): 18

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:   0       27     4        9
   80:   0      304    14       22
   40:   0      367    15       18
   20:   0      804    36       31
   15:   0      152    15       17
   10:   0        7     2        5
Total:   0     1663    85      102  Total Score = 713,000



Again "contest just for fun" from HOME QTH in Pilsen and 18h QRV 
without DXcluster - only RUN or S/P and only SSB.

The conditions were not ideal on high bands, but that's life...Thanks all, who
called my...See you in next contest. 73! de OK1GTH Tomas 

Setup (only RUN): IC7800 + Stack match OK1GTH + PAs witout RX ant :-(

* 160m: Dipol 15m UP
* 80m: Dipol 15m UP + Vertical 1/4 with elevated radials 
* 40m: Inv. V + Vertical 1/4 with el.radials (2el yagi broken - trap - again) 
* 20m: 7el TRIBAND full size YAGI 15m UP + 2el YAGI 15m UP + 4el YAGI 20m UP 
* 15m: 7el TRIBAND full size YAGI 15m UP + 4el YAGI 21m UP 
* 10m: 7el TRIBAND full size YAGI 15m UP

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