[3830] WAE SSB WX3B Single Op HP

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Mon Sep 12 08:58:39 EDT 2022

                    WAE DX Contest, SSB - 2022

Call: WX3B
Operator(s): WX3B
Station: WX3B

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Maryland
Operating Time (hrs): 3:17

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:    0     0     0
   40:    3     0     3
   20:   93    86    50
   15:  225   224    52
   10:    0     0     0
Total:  321   310   105  Total Score = 66,255

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


My first real contest activity since CQ WPX SSB in March.  This was a leisurely
Sunday stroll for several hours starting at 1:00pm on 15 meters, after I took a
look at the 10 meters band scope, swept up and down the band a few times and
heard only South American stations calling CQ and working Europeans I did not
hear any trace of.  Disappointing, yes, but I know by the end of October, even
with the same SFI, the band should be HOPPING!!

To my surprise, 15 meters had major holes in the band and plenty of place to
find a run frequency with no QRM and no splatter on either side.  Made for an
easy run, frequently interrupted by QTC requests - and many disappointed but
cordial folks that took the one or two I had.  I gave up calling CQ on 15 just
before 5:00pm not because the band closed, but because nobody answered my CQ. 
The band still had loud EUs calling CQ on it.  A very nice reminder of what we
can hope for the upcoming season.

Went off to 20 after a break and had some fun working many of the folks I just
worked, again.  I was consistently surprised by the low numbers people were
handing out - and as always it was fun saying hello to a lot of friends.

Just before 6 I worked several nice sounding big stations on 40, however I could
not attract any attention calling CQ myself - so that was a wrap!!  Need to test
out 80 & 160 next - and I'm all set for contest season.

160 might be a problem right now, my wire for my inverted L that was up since
2005 finally broke - that's pretty good service right there - I wish most things
I owned lasted 17 years!!  

All in all - it was a nice few hours and a reminder of the fun and gentlemanly
sportsmanship of this event.

Looking forward to the fall contest season, especially the CQWW DX SSB contest
in October!


Jim   WX3B

P.S. - It's NOT TO SOON to be preparing your station for the big PVRC Party in
November know as ... ARRL SWEEPSTAKES!!

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